I saw that the other day. Despite the periodic friction we had with Ceel, TGC was still a fellow SW message board, and it was unfortunate to see those old boards gone.
I saw that the other day. Despite the periodic friction we had with Ceel, TGC was still a fellow SW message board, and it was unfortunate to see those old boards gone.
I browsed by the board back a few weeks ago and caught the tail end of the closing.
The last I saw there was a topic of debate between Ceel and the head admin ('Admin Droid' - don't know what their original handle was). Ceel was querying the URL no longer working (turns out they had stopped paying for it) and was then trying to rustle up ideas on how to promote the board better, possibly even relaunch again on new software and encourage people to return. The head admin spent post after post telling Ceel that the oldies weren't going to come back (even providing hard numbers of all the invites they had sent) and if he wanted TGC to live on, he needed to look for new posters.
It was a really awkward read. Ceel seemed (to me) to really stuggle understanding the idea that no one was likely to return, kept constantly saying with all the posters they've had over the years statistically there had to be someone out there who might Google them up and come back.
The head admin then posted their resignation, and that's the last I saw before the blank page it is now. I'm guessing with the admin resigning there's no one left to run the show.
Vale TGC
EDIT: I've updated our wiki page about TGC, including the (now dead) URL and replacing it with a link to the Wayback Machine. I thought it was worthwhile as whenever I googled TGC our wikipage tended to pop up high in search results.
Last edited by Atreyu; Apr 17th, 2022 at 12:10:06 AM.
"A Jedi must remain focused. Mastery of the Force requires that all unnecessary activities be purged from daily life."
TGC is on Jcink so they could go free with ads if they had wanted to stay alive but since I know the Admin I have good Idea why they just closed up shop instead of going that route. As for their resurgence in 2020 it feel apart because as some of it was built on nostalgia people returning just to see how it was going so didn't take long oh yeah there were the secret bannings the admin there staff were doing of people they didn't like. So people also didn't stick around because of the Wiki situation the admin tried to change the original wiki (rewrite history) got caught and had their privileges stripped on the wiki. Basically the "new Admin" (not Ceel) didn't a lot of foul things and they tried to bury it all by banning people who knew about it and tried changing the story. I could go into more detail as I was one the people banned but I will leave it at that.
After everyone left or was banned the admin themselves stepped down to let other clean up their mess but ti didn't work and then sometime after that they moved to Jcink. As for who Admin Droid is they are more commonly known by there rp character name Katarine Ryiah in the star wars community. For me TGC died in 2013 it was home from 2008 until then.
Wow. TGC is finally gone?
That's where I started out, many many years ago. Had my fair share of issues there, but also some fun.
Thank you for that info, I recognise the name 'Katarine Ryiah' so glad to finally connect a name (was always wondering who this mysterious 'Admin Droid' was as they were clearly a forum veteran but didn't know what handle they had used). Sorry to hear you had issues with the TGC relaunch, I was unaware of any bannings or other such goings-on and simply assumed TGC's quick decline after the initial relaunch was due to people's initial nostalgia hits waning.
Kat did an amazing job trying to relaunch TGC, and she was going through a lot IRL and had to take a step back. I am a very big fan. Apparently she and some others are over at Chaos. I haven’t been to Chaos in a few years, but it was very active at one point.
Retired writer for Hwoarang, Ice Fox, Pal Vader, Jehovah
Hey everyone. You probably don't remember me. I was one of the founding members of TGC. Ceel and I were best friends and in high school worked on it for countless hours.. after we graduated... we kept up with it, sometimes school got in the way and as we made our way deeper into adulthood we would work on it.. and TGC was everything to him.. I started to become less of a partner in its creation to him.. and lets just say he parted ways and I moved across the country to follow my ambitions to be a video editor.. was bombarded with responsibilities that didn't allow time to be an active participant and was booted.. he briefly made an effort to connect with me, but it just didn't happen.. Kat did try and hold it together from what I remember... anyways.. with the new Star Wars episodic shows that have come out I was interested to see if it still existed.. which lead me here.. it is sad to see that it disappeared glad to see the community is still thriving
Hi Clegg, yes I do remember you from way back when, good to see you.![]()
Heyo, CleggI remember seeing your name pop up here and there, and I'm glad you're still kicking about! Hope life is treating you well!
Same -- I definitely remember you, Clegg. Good to see you around.
Hey guys.
We're actually back, The Gungan Council refuses to stay dead for long. Well, I say we're back, I've knocked up a pretty basic message board and thought I'd see if there was any appetite to get a small community up and running again.
Be great to get some old faces pop by.
Good to see you guys still out and about![]()
Message boards are pretty much a dying breed these days, I've come to find. Some of us are still kicking around though![]()
I’m curious what replaced message boards? Discords? Where do writers and topic lovers collect? Because outside of things like Reddit, this world has become very niche in the last 5 to 15 years.
For some boards, I feel that the time that was once used to write has been shifted to other things as a lot of us have gotten older. We still have our fits and spurts when creativity strikes, but we also have a lot of downtime where we get sucked into having to be responsible adults, heh. A lot of the OOC stuff, at least for here, has absolutely shifted to Discord. And it might just be me talking out of my ass when I say that message boards are a dying breed. There very well could be a host of others that are still going strong, and I just don't know about them. What I do know about are a lot of the ones that I personally am familiar with; many of which went defunct and were straight up abandoned a decade ago.
I definitely think you're right. The demographic who made message boards popular back in the day are now too busy with real life stuff to sustain them at any great level of activity and the generations coming through, and I'm generalising massively here, don't seem to have the attention span for it. It's got to be instant responses on Discord or 15 second videos on TikTok. There are obviously some exceptions, SW Chaos seems to have a thriving community, but we can all remember a time when there were half a dozen thriving SWRPG forums, all getting dozens, if not hundreds of posts a day.
There just don't seem to be enough people who are fans of the format anymore.
What I've also discovered is that it's one of the rare internet-based things that has gotten harder. When I was a kid, you could sign up to EZBoard and create a half-decent looking community in a matter of minutes with zero technical knowledge. Now all the free forum software packages require at least some coding knowledge and you're not knocking it up in a matter a minutes either, it takes a bit of effort.
For us here, our Discord is hugely helpful since a lot of us I suspect have only enough time throughout the day for quick stuff. I can only speak for myself, but even on Discord my interactions are not a whole lot, owing to my job taking most of my brainspace. And by the time I get home, I really have little bandwidth to fully engage on a message board. Maybe it's the format, who knows. I still love message boards with a passion, but i also know that my mental exhaustion plays a large part in my posting abilities.
Though, lately the writing bug has been biting once more, and I've been a bit more active than normal.
Good ol' Lord Gue here... no idea why I have an account named Kent, just autofilled name and account and there it was.
It does feel like 25 years of SW RP history has gone on hospice... First we were on CC.net somewhere around '99, right? Then we made SWFans and at some point CC.net died. Gungan Council split off from SWFans and now they are gone. The Rebel Faction split off from Gungan Council many years ago and they are about half as active as these forums seem to be now. Maybe it's the nostalgia talking, but even with all the negative memories I have associated with this place... I always considered it to be the monolith of SW roleplaying that would never die... and it makes me kinda sad to think that all that history might just go away.
Good to see you're still bopping about, bud![]()
Hopefully we won't go completely away, hehe. It's true that we all grew older and have had other things occupy our time, but there are still some of us around who tell stories together, despite the much slower pace![]()
Yeah, about ten years ago I started streaming tabletop games and made a Youtube channel around it, found my best friend of the last decade that way... then about three years ago we transitioned to reacting to anime instead. Just last week, unfortunately, my co-host and best friend decided to move away from online content in order to focus on other things. So, in addition to not having anyone to share what I've built with for the last ten years... the person I've been spending all my time with these last ten years is gone. So, now I'm just depressed with no one left to talk to and all the old places I used to haunt becoming just as quiet.
What’s the YouTube channel? We could at least give you a subscribe.