"Bartholomew Henry Allen!" Bart declared, beaming at having been recognised by his famous alter ego, Impulse. He wasn't sure how Nate knew him, but he wasn't about to gift a horse in the mouth, "Bet you don't get many of those, huh? I should know. I'm the second!"

When they shook hands, he leaned in close, careful not to poke Nate with the rim of his new Flash cap, and kissed the air beside his cheek. Then up on his toes for another air kiss on the far side. What was the deal with all these tall dudes, anyway? Did everyone shrink in the future? Challenges of verticality aside, Bart was feeling pretty good about himself. His transition from a man of the future to a man of the past had transpired without incident, mostly, and he was making friends. Introducing himself with a generous stack of freshly-cooked pizzas, Booster, or Agent Carter, had earned for himself a considerable allowance of awesome points. And then there was Agent Jones... Anyway, the point was things were going well. Weller than well.

"Call me Bart. It's quicker." He retreated a step, because old-school dudes liked their personal space, and started drinking in his surroundings, "Hey, you look awesome! This place is great!"

Just as his feet started to wander, his brain reined them in, and he turned on the spot in a rigid circle. Self-control was the order of the day. He could totally control himself and that meant admiring, but without acting upon his admiration, for the awesome stealth ship, and the retro automobile, and smartly-dressed Nate, and the vast expanse of desert that called to something deep inside him and whispered on the wind: Run, Bart, run! Grodd this place was slow...

"I was told this place was to help me acclimatise to my new time period, but as you can see, I'm already well-adjusted. So, what's the deal? This place is a desert. I bet you have a secret base. It's underground, right? Is it underground?" His foot tapped the baked earth as if it was about to cough up its secrets, and then, when his gaze fell upon the old automobile, his face blossomed with wonder, "Oh, man! Do I have to wear a blindfold? I could totally rock a blindfold."