As Oliver watched the Queen Media Building loom into view through the rear window of Raisa's unassumingly boring sedan, he felt a knife of anxiety twist in his gut; the same sensation that he'd imagined his - what? His son? His ward? His newest project? Whatever it was, he'd imagined those feelings being experienced by Connor barely an hour before, as he embarked on his first day at Brentwood Academy. He'd felt guilt over Connor being forced to experience that alone, and he felt it doubly so now.

It was strange, being who he was and feeling apprehensive about something as trivial as a first day in a new job. He was a man who had faced down criminals, gunmen, metahumans, aliens, armed with nothing but a hood and a bow, his wit and wits, and an oh so charming smile; and he could do that without a fret or fear in the world, not for his own safety at least. The last time he'd felt anxious like this had been with Mia, back in the days where she was still young, overeager, and inexperienced; but even then, it had been concern for her, not for himself. Here at the Queen Media Building, none of those familiar dangers were lurking, and yet here it was that fear for his own safety gripped him. Perhaps it was because here he was not Green Arrow, but merely Oliver Queen. He had no hood to hide inside, no bow nor anonymity to keep him safe. He was exposed, and vulnerable, entering into an unfamiliar world that he was not prepared for. Even if this job that the Queen Consolidated board had crafted for him was meaningless, nothing but an empty title and a token office traded for the PR value of a Queen being back on the company's payroll, he still worried about screwing it up - both this job, and the clandestine investigation into what Queen Consolidated was secretly doing in his family's name - and making an ass of himself. What he did as Green Arrow, that was about him; and his successes and failures reflected only on him, and the identity that he had crafted for himself. Here, as Oliver Queen, the backlash targetted others. His failings and misdeeds would impact his father's name, and the company he had built; all the same things that Oliver sought to exonerate and honour. As Green Arrow, all he risked was his own life. As Oliver Queen, what he risked was his legacy.

Raisa seemed to sense his inner conflict; a frustrating habit of hers. He felt her gaze peering at him through the rear view mirror.

"I'll be fine," Oliver offered with a small smile, trying to convince himself as much as her.