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Thread: Rogue One - Now With Extra Spoilers (DON'T READ UNTIL YOUR EYEBALLS EAT)

  1. #21
    TheHolo.Net Admin

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    Is it bad the I was more moved by K-2's death than anyone else's?

  2. #22
    K-2, Chirrut and Baze were the only deaths that I cared about. Also, the guy who got shot first in the space fight for some odd reason. That's when the unbeatable terror of the Empire finally was evoked. Their end seemed inevitable at that point.

  3. #23
    I found them all moving in their own way - even Jyn and Cassian as they watched the destructive wave approaching them. K2's though was particularly sad ("I have sealed off the door. Good luck.") and Chirrut just after his moment of triumph getting over to the master switch.

    "A Jedi must remain focused. Mastery of the Force requires that all unnecessary activities be purged from daily life."

  4. #24
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    Watched it yesterday with my brother, and the best seats we could get were in the second row. Thank goodness for recliner seating, or we'd have needed a neck adjustment on the way out of the theater. Definitely wasn't an ideal viewing experience, but let me tell you, seeing the Death Star, Star Destroyers, and Vader's castle from that perspective really made them feel larger than life. Now I want to see it in IMAX.

    There's not a lot I could say about the story that hasn't been said before in this thread. I found myself agreeing almost point-for-point with Charley's wonderful breakdown. For me, what set this movie apart was the feeling and atmosphere - it really was a war movie set in the Star Wars universe rather than an adventure, with a gravitas and dignity that Revenge of the Sith never approached. It's not perfect, but it felt fresh and deliberative, with great attention to detail. The scale of the movie felt just right - even though we were dealing with events on a galactic stage, the focus was on this tight band of characters and their personal loyalties, motivations, and struggles. That's what gives the movie's central conflict its emotional weight. To be honest, I thought it felt like a story that could have been told on these forums!

    I want to see how it stands up to repeat viewing (hopefully from further back in the theater). My first impression is that I enjoyed it significantly better than Episode VII, which just hasn't held up to scrutiny. The original Death Star is far more terrifying than Starkiller Base ever was, all the more because we only ever saw it using a fraction of its power. And the final battle, both planetside and in orbit, was so well conceived and executed - it felt like a real military engagement with real tactics and consequences rather than just a bunch of static ships blasting at each other while characters tell us who's winning. What the movie did well more than makes up for some strange disjointed pacing at the beginning.

  5. #25
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    I was quite pleased with how this film turned out. The rumors that circulated about the re-shoots had me worried a bit, but save for a few iffy moments, I enjoyed it a lot. As much as I love the Skywalker storyline and the Jedi/Sith dynamic, it was great to see a movie that focused on the "ordinary" people of the galaxy doing extraordinary things when the situation was the most dire, and sacrificing everything to give that glimmer of hope and keep the Rebellion alive.

    Gareth Edwards and his team did a solid job of making this feel like it fit with the Episode IV story but still have it stand on it's own merits. It also didn't go overboard on the overt fan service (Vader's corny joke and R2/C3PO's appearance timing aside).

    I'll be curious to see what other ideas the Lucasfilm Story Group will consider for film adaptation with the success of Rogue One. (I'm iffy on the Han Solo movie, but I guess we'll see. I'd love to see something about Vader between ROTS and Rogue One/ANH, but they might leave that for the comics.)

  6. #26
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    The tested crew talks some Rogue One

  7. #27
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    I really liked the movie.

    I'm going to see it again.

    That is all.

    oh what a tangled web I weave

  8. #28
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    I enjoyed it too. Great movie.

  9. #29
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    I'm not going to repeat anything that has already been said. To me one of the things I loved most was the starship interiors; namely the Mon Calamari flagship. There is a shot of Raddus looking down through the viewports of his command module, and it's like the entire galaxy is his aquarium. I know this is a staple of Mon Calamari design, but seeing it from that perspective was really cool and so fitting to their designs.

    It was really cool to see the Hammerhead. It's a nice callback to an older starship, the kind of which you would expect the rebels to be using. The will use whatever they can get their hands on.

    I hated Cassian. The entire movie. Hated him. Jyn was okay. Chirrut and Baze were the highlight of the characters for me.

    Dear Disney, please include more droids/aliens. Thank you.

  10. #30
    TheHolo.Net Admin

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    It might just be me, but after seeing it in 2D yesterday, I gotta say... I actually prefer the IMAX experience. I felt more like I was in the mix, rather than just a spectator. The AT-ACT's rattled bones, the explosions punched you down into your seat. And maybe it's just a sign that the IMAX experience is awesome, but I know I appreciated R1 more in IMAX.

  11. #31
    Saw it last night, and other than the first ten minutes I very much enjoyed it. But wow, those first ten minutes were just garbage. Clunkly, disjointed, and quite frankly unnecessary. Jyn's loss of her family could have been handled in a flashback, and the extra time could have been used to set up her character doing what she naturally did, whatever that was, before getting caught. Some more backstory for Cassian wouldn't have hurt either.

    As usual, Alan Tudyk did a masterpiece job voicing his character, and Donnie Yueng stole the show in every scene he was in, but there was something I really didn't like....


    Yes, I know he's supposed to be there for continuity, and the exchanges were good, but his model was badly-lit compared to everyone else, and that just made him look fake. I appreciate what they were trying to do, but I think he got far too much screen time, and he both lived, and had his summer home, in the Uncanny Valley.

    Still, it does give me some fun plot ideas to go ahead with for both Hal and Sejah, as both would have gone to Jedah at some point, and their experiences at the Khyber Temple would have affected them in dynamically different ways.

  12. #32
    TheHolo.Net Moderator

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    A lingering question I haven't seen the answer to yet; Do the Rebel ships that escape the battle of Scarif tie in to the fleet seen at the end of Empire Strikes Back?

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