"Charlotte! Assurez-vous de lâcher les chiens après mon départ et de faire patrouiller toutes les heures." The last thing Gabrielle needed was intruders deciding to take a tour of the mansion where she and her beloved guest Bella were staying during their travel in Brittany. The head of the Toreador clan in Paris journey both across her bith country and Europe on several occasions per year, but she always ensured that security was taken care of, both for her own sake and for her people. Protective and dangerous by nature, the vampire had trained and sired a fair number of deadly assassins over the centuries, spread between her headquarters in Versailles and her other French houses.

"Bella! Ma chérie! Nous pouvons partir!" She sing-sang in direction of the other brunette who was accompanying her for this investigation. There was no other way to call what they were about to do. The past months had procured several reports of an old manor near La Gacilly, at the edge of the Brocéliande forrest, that had everything of the haunted house. Gabrielle would have probably laughed it off, if it hadn't been persistent and one of her spies hadn't witnessed uncanny events on his own. Not one to shy away from getting her hands dirty, Gabrielle had decided to give it a look. She didn't like the sound of supernatural beings running loose an hour away from one of her places of residency. And if she was honest, she was plain curious and could enjoy a good hunt if there was an opportunity!

The brunette smiled to Charlotte, who would be in charge of the house while she was away, as the blonde handed her a glass of her favorite blood. She had had no time to bring live supplies but Charlotte always ensured stocks were ready to be warmed up. That would do for now and left Gabrielle with replenished strength for the night. "Merci." She said before licking the blood smearing her lips.

Then, she headed out to the garage as the sun was no more, and took place in the driver's seat of her car. As soon as Bella joined her, they would be on their way.