As handsome as annoying, Gabrielle noted about Durand. Damn American always so arrogant but their male specimen could be her weakness. Thank God, Bella hadn't made a joke about that yet. She took in the fine features of that professional, who'd better deliver if he didn't want to add to the unexplainable activity happening in this estate. She returned his firm handshake and the stare. He wasn't the only one looking a tad too long and she hated how she liked it, even when she wanted to strangle him on the spot.

"Hopefully you'll be as well," she retorted with a dark smirk, before making sure to take the right equipment. Her jacket was meant for such things, and her gestures were precise and quick as she got ready. "Always," she replied with a curt nod, indicated to Durand to take the lead, which she hated. Yet, he had the keys, so he could as well use them, even when she would have had no problem to find a way inside on her own, which had been her original plan.

There was an odd tug of her intuition as they closed in on the manor. She had established with disdain how Breton's deep affection for legends annoyed her, but at the same time she knew that there was more to reality than what humans believed it to be.