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Thread: Ordon Trozky

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    TheHolo.Net Poster Has been a member for 5 years or longer Ordon Trozky's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2016
    Brentaal IV

    Imp Ordon Trozky

    Dskeyala Ordon Trozkenpfylyat III

    Late Twenties to Early Thirties :: Brentaalan/Galactic Empire :: Businessman and Heir

    Currently on Brentaal IV

    Character Background

    • Born to Al and Rivkah Trozky (née Harker) of the noble House Trozky, on Brentaal IV; has one younger sister, Awendra, who is a well-known artist.
    • Once engaged to Lenna Praxon of Naboo, but a difference of beliefs, opinions, and goals pulled them apart... rather, torn apart by Lenna herself. Later married to Benita Lupe Quez, and divorced after only a few years, due to her infidelity, and his perceived infidelity in her eyes. Neither relationship bore fruit, though it was the loss of his relationship with Lenna that was the hardest on him, souring a once softer young man.
    • Attended university on Corellia in his early twenties after his split with Lenna, where he broadened his knowledge to better prepare him for his eventual takeover of the reins of the family business, and made friends with others of his social standing, or close to it. Pulled many to him that shared his less savoury beliefs, being a leader of the group.

    Raw Material

    • Ordon, as the current runs through his family, is speciesist; a pro-human individual that scuttles away this part of himself for the sake of his current business; what he still feels for Lenna, who would very much not like this part of him, makes him try to be civil with non-humans, but not so far as to change. That would take considerable outside influence, or Lenna herself.
    • Heir to the family business, the largest shipping company in the known galaxy (benefiting from Brentaal IV's position at the crossroads of the Hydian Way and the Perlemian Trade Route), and its subsidiaries; one such subsidiary, a far-reaching pharmaceuticals and medical supply outfit, has weathered many accusations and court battles over the purported dissemination of drugs of questionable or outright negative legality.
    • Owner of several very popular nightclubs across the Empire, two of which are Ardent, on Brentaal IV, and Fervent, on Corellia. He can be found often in a private area upstairs in Ardent, some evenings - if you've prearranged to meet with him, or are a close friend.

    Plot Ideas
    • May have connections to Black Sun, or other outfits within the black market.
    • Is single, and you're welcome to try your hand at that. Go on, just try. A dispassionate coupling or couplings to like people (heirs of businesses, etc) or persons would be excellent.
    • Contracts, deals. We could go into business together, you know, or I could just take your money.
    • Let's rub elbows. Galas, intimate parties. Let's be movers and shakers.
    • Let's be friends. Do you share my ideals? Maybe we went to school together, or you're another noble that, clearly, I would know. Because we all know each other, obviously.

    Existing Relationships

    • Don Trozky (a.k.a Dskeyala Ordon Trozkenpfylyat I) - grandfather, and current Lord of the House. This man appears to be so old as to look decrepit as a worn-out building.
    • Al Trozky (a.k.a. Dskeyala Ordon Trozkenpfylyat II) - father, and current CEO of the business. Bleached hair, tattooed, ear piercings. Not what you'd expect.
    • Rivkah Trozky (née Harker) - His mother, and probably the most sane person in the family.
    • Awendra Trozky - His sister, four years his junior, and a bombshell. Renowned artist, who freely volunteers her body to groups of art students for their studies of the human form, much to Ordon's consternation.
    • Siyndacha Aerin - Younger (and favourite) cousin and, unbeknownst to him as of yet, an Imperial Knight. Last he knew, she was still a Padawan.

    Current Plots

    • None yet.

    Credit for the basic template goes to Dun of RPG-D
    Last edited by Ordon Trozky; May 29th, 2016 at 05:31:15 PM.


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