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Thread: Whatcha doin' in the Wasteland?

  1. #21
    TheHolo.Net Admin

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    Haha yeah, I went through the hospital for caps as well, since it was in my quest list to search the hospital for caps. I figured 'hey cool, I'm gonna do this!' Get to the bottom, and SURPRISE YOU WIN A DEATHCLAW.

    I'm now very suspicious of the miscellaneous quests my PipBoy gives to me O_o

    Currently I've got three sets of power armor, and I'm fixing them up with intentions to collect more and make an army of suited up Minutemen. My own personal set is winterized and I've named it Ghost Bear in homage to MechWarrior 2.

  2. #22
    I haven't managed to play a whole heap (damned immune system decided I wasn't allowed to use one of my hands again), so I've mostly just been doing stuff around Sanctuary Hills. You get a surprisingly respectable amount of XP out of that, so I'm almost to Level 14 already - which is what I need to unlock the vendor stalls and things, and build myself a little market. I've got a few supply lines set up - not quite sure what they actually do, aside from linking (I think?) the workbench inventories for those locations; kinda hoping I can get one of my actual farms to start automatically sending me veggies, but I doubt it. May shift my focus slightly to the Abernathy's (I think that's their name) and move most of my farm technology out there: they have actual farmland, so it'll look a bit neater / nicer than having it in someone's back yard like I have at Sanctuary.

    Would be kinda nice if you could recruit the Mr Handy farm (because robots are awesome), but sadly I don't think you can.

    I do love that as you add recruiting beacons to your settlements, they start talking about them on Diamond City Radio. I've always liked the way that the radio stations acknowledge the stuff you've done as you advance through the game. Kinda hoping it's possible to meet the DJ from Diamond City Radio, so that I can show up in my Vault 111 suit and scare the poop out of him.

    Also... I heard the other day that there might not be a level cap for Fallout 4 - you can just continue earning XP indefinitely, and eventually end up with all the perks. Anyone know if that's true?
    It's like that, and that's the way it is.


  3. #23
    I completed what had to have been the most fun and amusing mission set, so far: the "Silver Shroud" mission series, in Goodneighbor. It is accompanied by a wonderfully-crafted set of old-timey radio show programs that are really worth a listen through to all the episodes (about an hour or so of programming). I can't tell you how much fun I had while running around as the Silver Shroud. =)

    Also, I've noticed that the moment I put on power armor, the number of enemies, their accuracy, and the damage they inflict increases. Take it off, and things go back to normal. It was to the point where I found power armor to be a detriment more than a help, so I've abandoned it and I'm just running around in a Vault suit. =P

    Though, the "character of the game" award HAS to go to Nick Valentine. Easily the best character in the whole Fallout series, and one of my contenders for best video game character of the last ten years. It is well worth picking him as a companion, and sticking with him until his personal quest line (which is huge) is revealed to you. Highly recommended.

  4. #24
    TheHolo.Net Admin

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    Got my fourth set, a T50. I've been mucking about with where to put stuff in my settlements more than anything else, and I still don't have too awful much to show for it, heh. I do have a slew of settlements started, as well as fixing up some of the existing farms that join the Minutemen. Speaking of, I saw my first Minutemen patrol last night, and it was pretty cool. I'm not quite ready to do the siege on the castle I don't think, so I just continue to do a bunch of Minutemen missions and wandering and building.

  5. #25
    I've now got a laser rifle with fully unlimited ammo, and hits for 129. Sweeeeet! My settlement still hates me, no matter what I do for them.

  6. #26
    I just got an unlimited ammo .50 cal sniper rifle, thanks to some dumbass legendary supermutant brute attacking my extremely well-defended Red Rocket station. One minute I was talking to Nicky V, the next I hear half a dozen gun turrets cut loose on the roof

  7. #27

  8. #28
    I've been doing a lot of stuff with settlements and I've learned / stumbled across some stuff that isn't entirely obvious. Figured I'd offer some "pro" tips!

    * * *

    Settlers: The maximum settlement size is based on your Charisma, and so may fluctuate based on the clothes you are wearing. The maximum number of settlers you can have in any one place is 21.

    Size: The "Size" of your settlement (the bar on the right) represents the number of items you can place: furniture, decorations, crops, power connectors/cables, etc. If you're just fixing up the houses in Sanctuary and decorating them with cat paintings you shouldn't have too much of a problem. However, if you are building your own big structures this can become an issue. Make sure you aren't wasting space by having more beds than you require, upgrade to bigger generators / water purifiers as soon as you can, and get rid of your recruiting beacon as soon as you stop needing it.

    Food, Drink, Defense: If there are raiders / super mutants nearby, they will occasionally drift over to your settlement. However, if your Defense is too low, your settlement will actively "attract" raiders who want to steal your stuff and break your things a la Fallout Shelter. You want to make sure that your Defense score is higher than Food + Water, and the higher your Defense, the more off-putting it will be.

    Supply Lines: A supply line allows the workbenches in Settlement A to take from the workbench inventory from all of your other (connected) settlements. If you look in the workbench at Sanctuary, it may show that you have 20 copper and 7 tatos, but when you go to craft you may see that there is 43 copper and 73 tatos available, because it's looking everywhere. Settlements also do this with food and water: if you are producing 42 food at Abernathy Farm, that's enough to feed two full-size settlements, so you can get away with producing "not enough" food somewhere else.

    Produced Items: Certain things will put items into your workbench. If you have a brahmin in your settlement (the naked kind, not the pack brahmin), you will occasionally get brahmin meat. Preston will put flares in your workbench every now and again. If you have shops in your settlement, each day they will put some caps in (based on happiness and population). Those scavenger workbenches will put a few bits of random scrap in your workbench once per day. If you have a water surplus, all of the extra water will become "purified water" in your workbench. This means that you can...

    Water Farm: If you set up a few industrial purifiers, you will end up with a LOT of purified water getting made every day, for zero effort. Five industrial purifiers will make 200 water and cost 25 power, and you'll get enough purified water to make 2000 caps every time. You'll also need 200+ defense to discourage those raiders, but it's a really easy/convenient way to make sure you can afford to keep yourself stocked with ammo. If you're hurting for caps, just sleep in a bed for a few in game days, and you'll wind up with a nice little stockpile.

    Doors are pointless: You can use a fence gate to keep a brahmin trapped, but all of your settlers (and companions) will open doors and leave them open. No one closes the doors (or the gates) when raiders come, and the raiders will probably just be able to open them anyway with minimal effort. If you're building a wall around your settlement, try to keep the number of gates to a minimum, and don't bother putting doors on houses - they'll just soak up your build limit and never be closed.

  9. #29
    TheHolo.Net Admin

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    Also, completing some quests will open up more items that you can craft, and some magazines will do the same once you aquire them.

    Another thing also, there are unique settlers that you can get once your settlement reaches a certain size, and if you assign them to certain shops, they open up more options/items for you to browse through.

  10. #30
    My settlers seem hell-bent on being miserable. I have typically 11-13 settlers at a time, I've got 54 food, 46 water, 30 beds (just because), lots of power, and 412 defense. And my settlers are 26% happy. I even totally walled off Sanctuary, and cleaned the place up. Nothing makes them happy.

  11. #31
    I'd be miserable as hell too if I had to listen to Marcy Long's bitching all day. FFS game, just let me kill her already.

  12. #32
    Happiness isn't based on the "basic" amenities - it's influenced by extra stuff. People don't just want beds, they want lighting, chairs, and decorations. You want to make sure that everyone has a job, which means building and assigning people to shops, scavenging benches, defense posts, etc. Also, your presence makes people happier: every time you are off in the wasteland, happiness is going to slowly decrease. As a result, a larger population stays happier (because there are more people generating happiness).

    Also, don't expect to max out happiness. To get 100%, you need to game the system and build a settlement with dozens of shops and other specific amenities to hit that number. There's an achievement for it, so it's one of those "do it later, if you are a completionist, but don't worry about it if you aren't". Seems like getting your happiness in the 80s is about the best you can muster without going out of your way for it.

  13. #33
    TheHolo.Net Admin

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    I've got Sanctuary and Hangman's Alley at a consistent 80. Everyone else is 60-70. I don't really do much, other than try to make settlements that seem cool to me. I've got plans to turn the drive-in into a sort of Mall of America place. Greentop and Abernathy are my breadbaskets, and Sanctuary is my water farm.

  14. #34
    Quote Originally Posted by Sadie K'Vesh View Post
    I'd be miserable as hell too if I had to listen to Marcy Long's bitching all day. FFS game, just let me kill her already.

  15. #35
    TheHolo.Net Admin

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    Mr. Goodfeels vanished after I set up my recruitment beacon at the Co-op I'll still be turning it into my wasteland hippy love-in commune, but if Goodfeels doesn't come back it won't be the same.

  16. #36
    There's some wonky bugginess with Goodfeels (one of Bethesda's known bugs), depending on which mode you put him in. You may need to use the console to bring him back if he doesn't reappear on his own.

  17. #37
    TheHolo.Net Admin

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    I'll do that tonight.

  18. #38
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    Killed Kellogg with three missiles.

    "I think we both know how this has to end."

    "Yes. Yes we do."

    *pulls out missile launcher*

    *Kellogg runs and hides.*


    Running around with Piper mostly, because yeah I'm lonely. :P

    I have to say, walking out of a Fort and seeing a huge airship and vertibirds in formation flying over the wasteland was AWESOME.

    I haven't really walled places except for Sanctuary, and that's just the bridge. I place loads of turrets everywhere, and did the Castle mission with three people backing me up, which made it really intense. Lost one person only though, and that was actually pretty good, though I didn't notice until I walked past a pile of goo and realized, 'hey, that was my guy. shit.'

  19. #39
    Nick Valentine is literally the only person in the game I care about. I did the Castle mission, and all but one guy got shredded. I think I may have killed one because he walked directly into my line of fire, and my guns are stupidly overpowered, but I don't care. Unlike Skyrim, I feel a general sense of apathy and often antagonism against the NPCs in Fallout 4. I'm not sure why that is, but I'd be happy to eliminate most everyone I've encountered so far.

    Perhaps it's because they refuse to buy or use washing machines...

  20. #40
    By today or tomorrow I will have jet pack power armor

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