"You too, pal," Hal replied with a smile. Oh, please let this work, please let this work, please let this work. Unfolding his arms, Hal took a step back and half-stepped, half-jumped up into the air. With a mental sigh of relief, he did not come back down, instead feeling the familiar warmth of the green glow surround him as he ascended into the sky, executing the perfect flight out of the crime scene, and bid a hasty corner over the edge of a building, out of sight.

Almost immediately he dropped back to the earth in a back alley, stumbling keep his balance. Unaided flight felt amazing, but it was still tricky as hell to manage, and it was with a quick glance that he looked around, ensuring there would be no witnesses as his costume faded away back into street clothes, and the Green Lantern became Hal Jordan once more. A very hungry Hal Jordan, at that.

Groceries. I set down my bags of groceries over there on that... A heavy stomp smacked against the grimy pavement of the alley floor. In the time it had taken to stop the robbery and wait for the cops, someone had found his bags of groceries tucked back on their hiding place, and all that remained were a few plastic bags, and a receipt. You have got to be kidding me. Who the hell steals groceries? It was a useless question; this was Gotham, people stole everything, and by now the store would be closed. Running a hand through his hair, Hal thought of other options, then checked his watch. If he legged it to some fast food, he'd not only be up too late for a decent night's sleep, he'd also feel sick in the morning. Sick and tired was not a good way to start your new job, especially as a pilot. No, hungry and rested would be better. At least he still had the remains of a jar of peanut butter, back in his apartment. Wouldn't be the worst dinner he'd ever had.