Vek Vek was in many respects a frugal man. Physicians were normally something of a spendthrift profession, but the Durwi doctor scrimped and saved as a rule. Sure, he could have his own Sorosuub personal transport if he chose, but what if the economy went south and he needed to pay for his tadpoles' education out of his retirement package? What if a relative died, and he needed to help with funeral expenses. A veritable spreadsheet of what-if's and contingencies filled Vek's mind and never fully let go. He was a Durwi. Reasonable. Careful.

That's what led him to Jovan Station Docking Bay 17. It was time to go back to Durwi to visit family, but that didn't mean he was going to shell out premium rates for a large charter and a direct connection. Not when a smaller outfit with several indirect stops could get him there at a fraction of the price. This...Star Tours, it wasn't exactly in the same league as InterSector or Transgalactica. It would take him an extra day and a half round trip. But what he lost in time, he made up for in savings by a good 150 credits off a direct or even a one-stop changeover.

Vek watched the rather small ship outside slow to approach the oversized atmospheric shielded bay, and the doctor sat quietly on the nearest bench with his knees touching, small duffel on his lap, and ticket flimsi in hand. He'd already made arrangements for passage by HoloNet, and wondered if anyone else on Jovan would be making a stop on the Star Tours route.