Name: Rasakha'la Khehn
Manufacturer: Khe'sa'ari
Product Line: Unknown
Model: Unkown
Class: Corvette


Length: 110 M
Wingspan: 200 M


Crew: 10
Passengers: 18
Cargo Capacity: 100 metric tons
Consumables: 9 months


MGLT: 30-40
Max Speed (atmosphere): 875 km/h
Hyperdrive Rating: Class 2


Shielding: Yes
Main Computer (optional): Mobile Mainframe Unit SEIA

Armament (optional):
2 Turbolaser cannon mounts at ends of wings
Nose mounted proton torpedo launcher
2 Ion cannons
Mid-range laser cannons

* * * * *

Additional Info (optional):

The Rasakha'la Khehn spent an innumerable amount of years adrift in wildspace, carrying the Rei'dulf of House Losstarot from Schwartzweld to their intended planet, Cathar. A solar storm disrupted his jump to hyperspace on one of his subspace waypoints, and placed him so far from known space that he spent countless years trying to get back. In the process, he mapped many unkown star systems, but it would be a very long time before he found his way back to known space.

Over time, the last member of the Losstarot Rei'dulf died, and each one he placed in sarcophagi until the last man passed, and his cargo bay had become converted into a tomb.

His avatar, an older MMU model, was both bipedal and quadrupedal. He has - due to being alone for so long, developed a rather unique personality.

His return to known space was marked by an encounter with an Imperial Star Destroyer under the charge of Grand Admiral Taylor Millard. Afterwards, he made his way finally back to Schwartzweld where, upon landing, came into contact with Erasmus Karrnage.

His desire to wander pst the confines of the Masters' homeworld is beginning to eat at his processors however, but he is loathe to go alone, and has decided to try and coax his new master, Karrnage, into leaving. At least for a short time!