Dear Aunt Sally,

I feel like I've fallen for someone entirely, but they don't even seem to notice a connection at all. I've made every overture, sent all the right signals, but they're just not picking up. Should I keep trying, or is it time I give up and go find someone who can recognize me for the strong, beautiful, independent Nehantite I am?

*snerk* Hee hee hee, couldn't resist.

In all seriousness, things have been going fairly well. The Cadet program had gotten off to a rocky start, but that's to be expected with any new program. I'm seeing changes made from when I first "joined" the Imperial Knight Cadets as part of their first class, and it looks like everything's starting to shape up. Good for these kids, but bad for the galaxy, sadly. There are so many more than I thought there'd be, thanks to the Empire's new testing program, and compulsory inclusion if you test positive for the Force. Yeah, the Jedi would invite parents to send their children to the Jedi Order if they tested positive, but they wouldn't force them to do so if they didn't want to. A military academy is good for getting results, but some of these kids are so young that what they really need are parents and caretakers. People to nurture them and help them grow instead of strict discipline. I suppose it won't be long before what heart exists here is stamped out, and that'll be a shame.

But for as long as I'm here, I'll be a smile, a laugh, and a good-natured reminder that there has to be joy and positivity in life, even deep in the heart of the Empire. We're to be elite soldiers, yes, but I want to show these cadets that you can still have a heart, have compassion and a conscience, while remaining within the letter of the law. I realize I may be doing more damage than good in the long run, as I know that rule by fear is often overthrown faster than anything else, but I also don't want normal people treated ruthlessly by my classmates if it can be avoided. For a while I was naive enough to believe that I might be able to sway some cadets my way, but now I'll settle for at least helping them to hurt people less, once they get out in the real galaxy.

Food's better, thanks to about a thousand "annonymous" letters stuffed into the suggestion box (you're welcome, fellow cadets!), and there's even talk of us getting a weekend pass to go out of the Citadel, mostly unescorted, to do whatever we like. It'd be my best chance at escape, but I'm sure I'd be the one most watched, so I dare not. Besides, I have a plan, and I need to stick to it. Doesn't mean I can't try and get some tail, though.

I hope those on Ossus haven't forgotten about me, and I hope Loki doesn't think I've abandoned him, as I haven't been able to send him any form of communication since before the mission that got me into this whole mess. I thought I could continue to get by without friends, as I've done in the past, but it's ever so much harder now that I know that those I befriend here will only turn against me when I make my escape. I wish there was a way I could make them understand.