"People and Senate of Taanab!" Dakler announced from the central station in the Senate building. "Our great planet has for so long waited patiently in isolation Despite our trade position on the Perlemian and our position relative to the Imperial capital, Our planet has remained aloof aloof of our greatness. As a farming planet, we have sat in ignorant isolation. When the Empire and Alliance negotiated their treaty, they traded our planet as if we were cheap commodities! I tell, you fellow citizens that when the Alliance finds it convenient, they will trade away our sovereignty to the Empire for some petty favor or assurance. No longer can we afford to allow our planet to be so insignificant. We must rise. Trade and Industry are beyond our grasp, but there is another way.

"Tell us!" Shouted one other junior Senator."

"I shall." Dakler responded, "Education. Education is the key to our survival and fortune. Together we shall turn Taanab into the major educational planet in the Galaxy. We will offer the finest free education to all citizens of the Galaxy, Imperial and Alliance alike."

At this the Senate turned into an uproar.

"And how does the junior Senator propose we do this, we're farmers! We have no teachers!

"It's simple enough, fellow Senators. A woman, a Lady Rikke Frygt, came to me recently, seeking a place for her academy. She asks only for a small piece of land outside the city and a grant to help get her started. The university will undoubtedly repay the Senate twice and more in the tax revenue it generates. Not to mention the boost to the local economy. Education is free for all in the Galaxy, so we no longer have to send our children away to Coruscant or Corellia to get a first rate education at an exorbitant price tag."

"I propose that voting be held on the matter within the month as that will allow the Senators plenty of time to review my written proposal and ask questions or clarify points.