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Thread: Hello

  1. #1


    Hello everyone. I'm new to this site and new to role-play in general. I hope to learn a lot and have fun.

  2. #2
    Welcome to our crazy little corner of the Internet! It's always great to see newcomers bringing new ideas and new characters!

    What are you interested in playing? We have a pretty diverse Star Wars scenario already set up, and we've recently started a new roleplay based on Skyrim if you've got a taste for some Elder Scrolls-style sword and sorcery. We also have a setting that's loosely based on Marvel's X-Men, called "Mutants, Unite!" Though that one's been on and off in recent months.

  3. #3
    Thanks Dragon. I'm looking to play the Star Wars scenario. Any thoughts on which would be good for a novice?

  4. #4
    TheHolo.Net Admin
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    Hi! Do you want to play a Dark sider...?

    oh what a tangled web I weave

  5. #5
    Perhaps a Jedi?

  6. #6
    TheHolo.Net Poster

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    Sasseeri Reeouurra's Avatar
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    Orrr a smugglerrr or bounty hunterrr?

    you make me come... you make me complete...
    you make me completely miserable

  7. #7
    By way of explanation, a lot of us have multiple accounts and multiple characters in multiple groups... you just met three of Holly's alts.

    Just to give a brief rundown of our Star Wars setting, we began our scenario right after the Battle of Endor in Return of the Jedi, with the change that all the canon characters were killed in action. That way our original characters could drive the plot instead of having to explain what Admiral Ackbar and General Solo are up to. The war between the Empire and the Rebel Alliance continued for several years until the Alliance developed a new superweapon called Starkiller, an interstellar ballistic missile that can raze the surface of a planet. Eventually the Empire acquired this technology as well. Faced with the threat of mutual annihilation, the Empire and Alliance have agreed to a ceasefire and are now in a state of cold war - the Empire on one side, the newly organized Alliance of Free Planets on the other.

    The survivors of the Jedi Purge along with Force adepts they've discovered over the years have gathered on Ossus under the protection of the Alliance to start a new Jedi Order. The Jedi have been the most active group in the Star Wars setting recently, and you can find their threads in the Ossus subforum.

    There are two main Darksider groups right now. The Circle is led by Salem Ave, also known as Darth Callidus, and has been infiltrating the Alliance government and military to pursue their own nefarious goals. Lilaena De'Ville, a former member of the Circle, has just begun forming a group of her own, with the agenda of freeing Force adepts from oppression by groups like the Empire or the Jedi.

    Sasseeri Reeourra is the vigo of the Black Sun crime syndicate, the biggest and most powerful crime organization outside Hutt space. Smugglers, spice runners, weapons dealers, casinos on Coruscant, Bespin, and Nar Shaddaa - they have a very diversified portfolio, and they're always hiring.

    The Empire and the Alliance also have their share of politicians, soldiers, ship's captains, fighter pilots, and intelligence agents. Since the cold war began, the military characters haven't been as active, and there isn't much fleet-to-fleet action anymore, so it might take some more creativity to get a military character involved.

    Of course, you don't have to be part of a group at all! You can be a freelance smuggler, or a doctor, or a droid mechanic, or a bounty hunter, or just about anything. Generally we talk about thread plans and story ideas in the Star Wars RP & Planning forum, and most of our Star Wars threads happen in the Star Wars Galaxy. Threads that happen at the headquarters of one of our Roleplay groups generally go in Star Wars Homeworlds (for example, Ossus for the Jedi).

    Hopefully that's not information overload! Really, all you need to do is decide what sort of character you'd like to play and what sort of story you want to tell, and we'll help you get started! We don't have a really involved process for getting your character established or meeting a bunch of requirements to progress. We're all about the storytelling here.

  8. #8
    TheHolo.Net Admin

    DragonCon 09
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    Hallo hallo!!

    Dragon has pretty well covered all of the bases, so if you have any other questions, don't think twice about asking, and you'll get all the answers you could want and then some


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