She nodded once in silent thanks before letting a wry smirk form on her lips. "Indoor camping. I suppose that means you'll want extra sheets then? I'm sure you can find someone to help build a fort with them."

Her eyes wandered to where the bundle of blankets huddled, waited for the moment when they parted and a pair of amber eyes peered back at her. Despite the slight tenseness that came from seeing the flames reflected back in the girl's vision, Sandra couldn't help but smile at her daughter. She and Glen had done everything in their ability to guarantee security for their family far before Kara had been born, even still there had been a time when Sandra had seriously considered not having any children, of not risking subjecting something so innocent to the world that her husband had help her flee from. Yet in the end, her mind had changed, willing to bet on Glen's strength and her own cunning to overcome anything the world may have thrown at their child. Sandra had never regretted the decision.

Another quick kiss was stolen from her husband before she turned and headed towards the darkness of the rest of their home. A last glance was cast at Glen, a small wink accompanied it, and then she slipped into the shadows.