To her credit, it hadn't exactly been a somewhat conventional job. In fact, it'd been something akin to a one way ticket. But the money offered had been a considerable amount, and she'd had no choice but to accept. Even if the contact had remained elusive; his identity still a secret to even her, Arrukaa had taken the job. She might not know who it was that'd hired her, but his money was real enough and to her that was what mattered.

Of course what was supposed to happen in theory and concept almost never happened in reality and actual application. And this fact was vastly evident in the situation Rukaa found herself in now.

Infiltrating the KAR's main headquarters for a second time was delicate - the Cizerack 'secret police' as some called them, had become much more cautious. Once bitten twice shy, if you will. But once more, the money offered was more than she could concievably pass up, and so Rukaa had taken the job. Of course, given the chance to possibly slip in and out beneath the KAR's nose for a second time - something to rub into Kajeela's face with a sense of supreme satisfaction - how could she not accept?

However, it's almost always the smallest, seemingly insignificant things that derail the most foolproof of plans. And that's exactly what had happened.

Oddly though, she had not been subject to the infamous KAR torture chambers - something she was sure would be especially reserved for just her. No, this had not happened. She'd instead spent a matter of minutes in a simple holding cell before being dragged further up; further up into the den of the monster she had once served faithfully.

A grim realization came to her then, and Rukaa knew now why she had not been tortured. For so long she had been loose - for so long she had been a thorn in Kajeela's side - and for so long she had been free when it was thought she was in fact captured. It made sense now that they were going to simply kill her; take no chances this time... just out and out get rid of the problem.

And so, as she was very literally dragged through halls and corridors, and up lifts and down more twists and turns, Arrukaa couldn't help but smile to herself in morbid satisfaction.

Once bitten twice shy.