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Thread: Arafat's Condition Critical, Militants Seek Powers

  1. #1
    Syren Wyssholt

    Arafat's Condition Critical, Militants Seek Powers

    Arafat in critical condition

    I was just curious if anyone's been following this and what his death (or even current condition) could mean for the future. More attacks?

  2. #2
    More attacks on who? Isreal? Probably. The PLO is probably a little to busy to coordinate any attacks on the US even if they wanted to. But I think new leadership will probably be good, because now all sides will be more likely to return to the negotiating table in the near future. Whether they come to an agreement is unlikely, but it will at least be an optimistic period in which they test out the new guy.

  3. #3
    The man has been called dead 6 times.

    I'm curious where he's gonna be buried. Israel and him don't quite agree on it. Which is not unusual for them.

  4. #4
    PLO aren't doing attacks any more. It's Hamaas which is a totally different entity. Heck Hamaas hates Arafat and the PLO and would like to see it destroyed. I don't think Arafat's death is going to mean much, unless Sharon kicks the bucket next.

  5. #5


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