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Thread: Episode three Trailer description (Spoilers)

  1. #1

    Episode three Trailer description (Spoilers)

    The has the trailer description up and it sounds awesome The first half of trailer consists of ... (begin spoilers - highlight to read) a familiar voice over with Alec Guinness. Fans will love to hear him speak his monologue to Luke from A New Hope about "Jedi Knights always being the guardians of peace." As we hear these familiar phrases, they've intercut shots from various Star Wars episodes, excluding Episode 3. Only when the monologue ends with "Vader was seduced by the dark side of the Force" about 40 seconds into the trailer do we see the face of Anakin. He is partly covered with dark hood, looking positively evil.
    This is followed by the shot of erupting volcanoes, then some sort of volcanic field with crab-like creatures and then darkness, all accompanied by Vader breathing. Then the following is heard:

    Sidious: "Lord Vader..."

    Vader: "Yes?"

    Sidious: "Rise."

    Then we see Anakin in full Vader gear rising on some sort of operating table to which he is chained. The rising is slow and is intercut with shot of various Star Wars main characters. When the table has fully risen so that Vader is basically standing upright, the meatiest part of trailer begins, with many, many shots from Episode III. Most of them are very, very short - this will be something for freeze-frame fanatics to analyze.

    The ones that stuck in my memory:

    Dozens of Wookiees on some sort of floating platform.

    Padme with signature Leia hairdo.

    The Tri-Fighter, aka the precursor to the TIE fighter with three curving wings and guns mounted between each wing. They shoot red lasers.

    The ARC Clonefigthter, aka the precursor to X-Wing, with three wings on each side.

    A gigantic starship being sprayed by streams of something that looks like dense acid.

    The trailer ends with the title "THE SAGA IS COMPLETE - MAY 2005" and ... (end spoilers) is about 100 seconds long.

    That sounds amazing especially the part we actually see Darth Vader.

    I am guessing this trailer will be with the Incredibles like Episode two was with Monsters INC.

  2. #2
    Saw that this morning on TFN. Overall, sounds pretty good. I've been excited for Ep III (as we all have) for a while now, but once I see this, that will really get the blood pumping...

  3. #3
    TheHolo.Net Admin
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    CAN'T WAIT - I was going to see the Incredibles anyway so this'll be icing on the cake if it's with that (which I agree, it most likely will be).

    Heck, I went to see the first Harry Potter movie just for the teaser trailer for Ep 2.

  4. #4
    TheHolo.Net Admin

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    Padme with signature Leia hairdo.

    Sounds cool

  5. #5
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    Wait... so the trailetr is supposed to be attached to the Incredibles?

  6. #6
    TheHolo.Net Admin
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    Speculation only.

  7. #7
    Yeah that was on my part. It is suppose to come out in Novemeber and the Incredibles, IMO is the biggest movie this November, that is aimed at young adults and kids. Other possiblities are the Polar Express (possible), Finding Neverland, National Treasure, and Flight of the Phoenix. Those are all the big Pg-13-PG movies of the month.

  8. #8
    Incredibles looks good enough to see even without the EP3 trailer attached to it. This description sounds like we may be getting the best Prequel trailer yet. I've loved all the previous ones but this one sounds amazing.

  9. #9
    Sweet fancy moses I can't wait!!

  10. #10
    Update on the trailer from TF.N...

    Anakin's reply to Palpatine is Yes, Master? and not just "Yes" and previsouly reported. Sweet. It is said somehow questioningly, as if he is not exactly sure what is happening.
    Palpatine's "Riiiiiiiiise" is so devilish and long, they've clearly spent some time on making this section of the film perfect. Still finding it hard to believe they are going to show this section so early. Wow.

    We've been told that the voice of Vader is ... close ... but definitely sounds different from the original Darth Vader. There should be no doubt that Lucas could make him sound perfectly like the classic Vader if he wanted, so this must be intentional. After all, it's logical that teenage Anakin under the Vader mask sounds slightly different than old Anakin in Episode IV under the same mask. We think it is either an early cut without finished effects (voice and visual) or Hayden Christensen's voice modulated through some advanced filters to sound very, very much like Jones. If you played this to casual moviegoer, he or she may not even notice any difference from Vader's classic voice.

    And to clarify an earlier point or two, the lines of dialogue we posted are spoken over completely black screen right after the volcanic field shot. And the Tri-fighter we mentioned is actually the new Jedi starfighter.

    There are no mechanical characters in the trailer except R2D2 and C3PO, not even for a split second. There is someone with sharp teeth and humanoid head, slightly resembling the alien from Enemy Mine. Someone should post a picture here for comparison, though it might just be Tion Meddon. So unless its the off chance that is Grievous unmasked, the Droid General does not figure into this first trailer.

  11. #11
    From TF.N

    Patrick Sauriol of Cinescape is reporting how one might go about seeing the upcoming Revenge of the Sith teaser trailer.

    The short, short version is: November 4th on Access Hollywood (check local listings) and November 5th attached to prints of The Incredibles (though not all, so be wary!).

    For the full skinny, head on over to Cinescape and read their full article!
    Looks like your speculation was right JMC - it will be with The Incredibles. I'll probably just set my VCR to tape it off of Access Hollywood...

  12. #12
    It looks like you can download it Thursday night as well so we will get a sneak peak regardless.

  13. #13
    Originally posted by Jedi Master Carr
    It looks like you can download it Thursday night as well so we will get a sneak peak regardless.
    !!! what???

  14. #14
    It's going to be available to hyperspace members the night before the Incredibles comes out, so I'll see it then. I'm sure it will probably be leaked or we will catch some shots of it on Access Hollywood before that.

  15. #15
    Remember, the trailer is on Access Hollywood today.

    I just checked my local listings and it isn't on until 1AM. That sucks - I guess I'll just set my VCR and watch it tomorrow morning...

  16. #16
    Actually - I just found it will be on earlier on MTV, oh yeah!

  17. #17
    I'll see it this afternoon on hyperspace, and tonight between 7 and 7:30 on access hollywood. I can't wait!

  18. #18
    That's cool that Access Hollywood is on at a somewhat decent time for you - I have no idea why they are airing it at 1AM in my area???

  19. #19
    Gav Mortis
    Will there be anyway for the rest of us mere internet mortals to this trailer tonight? I feel like a deprived crack addict.

  20. #20
    I've still not decided wether to watch the trailers or not, can they delay it a bit?

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