I brush my blonde hair aside as I check my chrono. He will be crossing my path soon, thanks to the comm message that had been left one standard week previously. Curious, he would have taken his ship, possibly the Dragon even, and come to Nar Shaddaa. The message had been cryptic, but not laughably so.

We know about your relationship with the Sith Witch De'Ville. Meet us at the Drunken Gamorrean in the Po District on Nar Shaddaa, one week hence. We can discuss the price of our silence.

Either he will be coming to laugh at me for the ridiculousness that anyone would dare try to blackmail him, or to deal. Either way, he will be here today.

Which is exactly what I want. Silus Xilarian, served up on a platter. He doesn't know me, but he won't forget me.