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Thread: Dantarno Engineering

  1. #41
    Kieran Dantarno

    I got carried away, so there are 3 posts up there already.

    More to follow, when I think of what to write. I'll do one more back-story thing, and then do the actual race prep...because I be itchin'

  2. #42
    Combine your posts please. Saves space.

  3. #43
    Kieran Dantarno
    Yeah...would have done that, 'cept I wrote the first one off-line, then decided to write the second one quick-quote style. Then I started writing the third straight after. If I'd known I was going to do that, I would have posted them one at a time.

    At least this way though, they're split up by could be a bit clumsy otherwise.

  4. #44
    imported_J'ktal Anajii
    Perhaps, but the less different posts, the more free space on the server. The more free space on the server, the faster it goes.

  5. #45
    Kieran Dantarno
    I can move them all into one post if you really want, but doesn't that defeat the object of having a storytelling thread? If its all in the one post, I mean.

    If you want it in one post, let me know, and someone else can delete the other ones...because I can't do that.

  6. #46
    TheHolo.Net Admin

    DragonCon 09
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    Jan 2002
    Oh, about.
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    He's talking about here, in OOC. Consolodate your posts, boy. Just remember there's an edit button in the future.

    If you don't, every time you make a new post, I will kill a bunny.

  7. #47
    imported_J'ktal Anajii
    She means it, too. I mean, she's got like a whole bathtub full of bunnies.

    I don't know how she actually washes herself, but, man, she's got a bathtub full of bunnies.

  8. #48
    Kieran Dantarno
    Ohhh...right. Sorry. I thought you meant my posts on the thread.

    *finds the edit button* oooooh...cooly.

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