The sound of the great gates swinging open was one hard to ignore. His footfalls becoming silent, Salem turned from the inky black ahead to look back towards the city proper. He didn’t need to look to know who was stood there of course. He could feel Razielle from a mile off. The other figure, however, was a mystery to him. The pair had stopped too, and appeared to be looking directly back towards Salem, who shrunk away from any unnatural light that might betray his presence, creeping instead behind an overturned tree.

He peered over the top of the decaying mass, wondering what it was that his sire was doing out here with that unfamiliar figure at such a time. Perhaps she intended to feast on him. Yes, that seemed plausible. She would lead him into the wilds until he was so lost and so tired that he couldn’t possibly escape, then break his neck in two.