On the other side, and lower down, of the Temple, James Prent tossed in the half-sleep that follows nightmares. They'd been bad tonight, although nothing really made her think that any of them were Force visions. In her state of near sleeplessness, the sound of a speeder crashing sat her straight up in bed.

"Wha-!?" The unasked question was forgotten as she ran to the tiny window and threw it open, sticking her head out. The building had shaken, or it was her imagination. There was nothing underneath her, but above...there was smoke coming from a higher veranda. James ducked back into her room, and grabbed a robe, planning on heading up to see what was going on.

As she entered the hallway, other padawans were doing the same, although some were heavy sleepers and did not appear. "I'll go see what's goin' on. If we all go, the elders will be upset that we are all getting in the way."

One younger padawan looked disappointed. "But I want to see what's happening!"

James playfully shook her head. "Patience, my young padawan. I'll come back as soon as I get the details, and I'll let you all know. But for now, I think the situation is best served by you all getting back into your rooms." Her tone was light, but her heart was heavy. What is happening? Her sense of danger in the Force was high. One of the padawans commented on a feeling on unease as well, but James managed to convince the others to stay put.

It was true, all of what she said, certainly going upstairs to see the crash would only complicate matters if everyone in the building did so. But she didn't want to involve any of these in whatever it was that was happening that night. Not if she could keep them safe. James tugged her robe around her body tighter, and headed for the turbolifts.