First James Prent had come careening into the room. She'd listened as he told her in a subdued voice about the loss of his son before speeding off again.

Then, the Jedi Council had arrived. They asked how he was, what he knew. Asked if he minded an investigative team coming by. Promised to find Jax. Figrin had been especially kind.

Other Jedi had trickled by after that, offering condolences. The phrase "If you need anything" had been repeated so many times, Pierce could likely have had ten female Jedi for sleeping companions that night.

The investigative team came and went. They told him nothing he didn't already know.

Now it was some time later. Pierce was alone in his son's bedroom, holding one of the stuffed toys Jax used to play with. Everyone who had come by, was gone.

The day he'd feared for two years was now over. Lilaena came, struck at his heart, and disappeared.

In spite of everything, Pierce felt strangely calm. The fear was gone- the mere idea had built up so much in his mind, it was hard to see anything else. Now that the situation was here, he could confront it.

But unfortunately, it meant other things were true; things he'd feared along with the possibility of losing Jax. That when the time came, the Jedi would be unprepared for this kind of crisis. That Pierce's trust in their ability to protect his family was misplaced. That the absolute faith in the teachings of the Jedi which had slowly built up over years inside Pierce was foolish.

It was also a painful reminder that acting in behalf of right and good did not render one invulnerable to those who did evil.

But those who did evil were not invulnerable themselves.

Pierce set the stuffed toy down, got up, and quietly went into his room.

Doesn't mean much.
It doesn't mean anything at all.
The life I've left behind me is a cold one.

I've crossed the last line from where I can't return.
Where every step I took in faith betrayed me.

Sweet surrender is all I have to give.


"No storm, Ed?"

"Oh, there'll be a storm, don't you worry. They just don't always show up right away. But this storm'll be back, and it'll be worse than anything you've ever seen."