Well I couldn't resist saying a few words myself.....

Lady Vader/Rie/Sis

You're my best friend, my sister, and my guide all rolled into one amazing person. Ever since that fateful day in ballet class you have been by my side through the good the bad and the ugly *hee hee* and I can't thank you enough for your loving support and friendship. I couldn't have asked for a better sister...or an eviler one! Hey I wouldn't even be here on the boards if it wasn't for you! Its amazing how we trusted each other right off and it was like our friendship was meant to be! *hugs* Thanks for being there for me! I love you sis!!


"I'm cute! Yes it's true!..." Need I say anymore? There is no one better to be silly with then my "little" sister. Thanks for talking me into getting that d-land annual pass! I really love our second home! *hee hee* All the laughs balanced out the serious stuff and you're the first person I ever had a "pink spoon day" with. You knew me from the first time we met....I don't know how you did but you just had this connection with me. You could read my mind and heart so easilly. Im so blessed to have you as my sister!

Loungie/Charley/Sanis etc. etc. etc.

Oh my friend of many names!!! You'll always be loungie to me! The crazy guy with the dbz pics and the heart of gold. Of all the people on the boards who I first met I wasn't sure if we'd be friends or not. You were always so contrary to me and you loved poking fun at my character. But as I got to know you you've become one of my best friends not just online but IRL as well. You're the big brother I never wanted but Im so glad I have. You taught me never to judge people just on first impressions because you never really know someone till you start talking to them. When you came out to cali both times they were great treats for me. While I didn't get to spend as much time with you as I would have liked I treasure the time we did spend together. I'll never forget rocking out to MB20 with you and talking with you over aim even though we were sitting right next to each other. I couldn't ask for a better guy pal and big brother.


BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA!!! Can I drop another boulder on you?!?! The sad thing is we really have Itala to thank for our friendship. *hee hee* scary thought! To this day you have been the best apprentice I've ever had on the boards! You were so much fun to beat up and I miss wiping the floor with you. We should do it again sometime. Aside from that you were the first person I ever met from online. You're an awesome friend who I can always talk to and just feel comfortable being girly with. Im so glad Itala stuck me with you those three years ago! *hugs*


Well where do I start? I remember the first time I met you in an msn TSC group chat. There was just something about you that told me that this guy is pretty cool. We seemed to click with each other as well as our characters did. Somewhere somehow in all of those late night chats and the insanity that was TSC you became one of my best friends. I could always trust and depend on you to be the voice of reason when I was pulling my hair out in the wee hours of the morning. I dont know how many hours of sleep we lost together but I know it was a lot. I dont think the boards would have been as fun if I didn't have you by my side both IC and OOC. Thanks for being the rational one and not to mention the calm one! I love you for that! You're my friend, my confidante, and I've come to rely on you more then anyone. Over these past three years I have been proud to call you my friend. We've both been at the boards so long and I've seen friendships come and go and grow and fade...but ours has always stayed the same and thats pretty damn special! Im glad we can always count on each other.

Fett aka "oh great and wonderful fettish one!"

*hugs* You are so much fun you know that? You need to give yourself more credit because you always manage to brighten my day. You're one of the few people that still randomly IM me just to say hi and be silly! You're the bestest!


You are one of the counterparts to the cali girls and that alone makes you special. It was always great to know that the east coast guys were just as much insomniacs as the west coast girls. You're fun to talk to and great late night company. You always managed to surprise me which is something few people manage. You're techy geekness never ceased to amaze me and your one of the most fun people to do a RP with. I've always appreciated your candor and your willingness to speak out and not really care if others liked what you had to say or not. I've always respected that in you and I think thats part of the reason we always got along. So when are you gonna finally come to the dark side and visit the cali girls?!?!?!?!


I just have one thing to say to you. "You're so wierd!!!" (10 points to anyone who can tell me what movie thats from *hee hee*) Anyway your weirdness is what makes you cool. And no one is more entertaining to watch over webcam then you. Anyone who can sit next to me at the midnight showing of star wars after sitting ALL FREAKING DAY in line is just an awesome guy! I had a lot of fun hanging out with you and Im glad to have finally met you. btw I still have the bite mark. j/k

To everyone who has made TSO the best place to be....

Thank you! Especially those of you "old timers" who have been there since the beginning. Dyzm...DDC...and others who have always stuck by me and when I leave make it impossible to stay away for long. Its been hard work and ups and downs but I wouldn't trade any of it in for all the money in the world.....well maybe ALL the money...but certainly no less then that! I love you guys and Im proud to know each and every one of you!

And of course to all the rest of my board pals who I didnt mention by name.....thanks for the laughs! *hugs* And DT/Marcus/crazy aussie.....thanks for never panning me! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!!!!!

*runs and hides*