Flying Box (tentative title)

Class: Unknown

Designer: High Admiral DarthPoreon

Manufacturer: Coursca Prime Driveyard

Crew: 8 (1 Pilot, 5 Gunners, 2 Heavy Weapons targeters)

Cargo Capacity: 2 Metric Tons

Consumables: 2 Months

Length: 40 Meters (Extra 10 Meters for engines)

Engines: 5 TIE engines combined for maximum performence.

Hyperdrive: None

Speed in Space: 100 Mglt

Atmosphere Speed: 20 Mglt

Shield Rating: 200 SBD

Hull Rating: 50 RU

Weapons: 1 Quad Turbolaser
1 Proton Torpedo Launcher (10 Capacity)
1 Concussion Missle Launcer (20 Capacity)
2 Medium Turbolasers
2 Anti-Starfighter Turbolasers
3 Light Turbolasers (Automated)

Designed for Heavy Assults on Small and Large Capital Assults, this "fighter" is quite large. Designed for a versitle speed for its size, this "fighter" combines speed, shields, and weapons altogther, in what is called the Flying Box. These "fighters" are the perfect compliment for the Strider Class Destroyer. A total of 30 Space projectiles allows for heavy attacks on capital ships. The high speed, and the Turbolasers allow for adequate defense against fighters. These "fighters" must be carried with a mothership, much like the original TIEs. The Hyperdrive was given up to allow for more fire power.

[b] R & D begins today, 11/1 and will complete on 12/11. R & D will cost an estimated 1 million credits. Next Generation Flying Boxes should cost around 300-700 thousand credits.