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Thread: :: a bat-winged figure approches...

  1. #1
    Raye Valkyrie

    :: a bat-winged figure approches...

    ...Raye shivers abit, and wonders why the heck she came here anyways....::

  2. #2
    Dalethria Mal Pannis
    "You realize it is going to rain soon ..."

    Crouching on the wall she looks down at the strange being.

    "Better make your intentions known quick or you'll be caught in the weather." :evil:

  3. #3
    Raye Valkyrie
    :: looks up at Dale ::

    My name is Raye Valkyire, and I am here to find out if anyone here knows of a certian person...

  4. #4
    Dalethria Mal Pannis
    A streak of lightning arcs across the sky, illuminating both the newcomer and Dalethria's face.

    "And what makes you think we'll help you? If you have come with nothing, you'll leave with the same."

  5. #5
    Raye Valkyrie
    :: placing her hand on Grand Sting, Raye's wings twitch ::

    If no one will help me here then I'll take my leave...

  6. #6
    Dalethria Mal Pannis
    "So be it."

    Another flash of lightning flashes in the orange and red sky, casting shadows around where Dalethria was. After the natural affect passed ... she was gone without a trace.

  7. #7
    Cardinal Aiyalin
    **A hooded and robed figure moved silently away from a window where she had been watching. More and more people had come to Vjun, requesting The Black Hands help.


  8. #8
    Jeseth Cloak
    Another echoe of thunder roared across the sky, followed by a closer and deeper clang. Whind began to whip ferciously at the hair of Jeseth Cloak.

    The man stood, pale and sickly looking, but still an image of deception. Few had seen what had returned with him from that place beyond the void where he had resided... where this part of him had resided. The Darkness knew only darkness...

    "I am taking my leave, sister. Inform the others... Time is not on my side."

    He turned his attentions to the new comers, the bat-like wings reminding him of the disgusting appendages that now hung from his back. What a travesty he had become... He almost favored death to living in such a physicaly pathetic state. The rage that had built within him became rather obvious in his eyes, though they seemed to be nothing more than pale gray specter's of some faded away soul. Jeseth was still dying.

    A sigh escaped from his lips as he turned his attention away from his own thoughts, glancing up at Bast Castle. It's collapsed walls and weathered surface now seemed to mirror his mind and body: a host to daemons of all kinds.


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