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Thread: Articles of TSO

  1. #1
    Darth Roul

    Articles of TSO

    Since they have not had any new suggestions in a few days here is the final draft to be voted o by the council. Only four members need to say yes to it for it to be ratified. If four of the six of you say yes then we have our laws set in stone.

    Articles of TSO

    I. Freedom of Speech and Expretion
    Members can express themselves how ever they feel without making any
    offensive remarks

    II. Right to have personal Property
    Personal Property may not be confiscated unless the person is convicted
    of a felony.

    III. Right to a Trial
    If a person is suspected of a crime they will recive a fair trial. The jury will
    consist of the Council.

    IV. Promotions
    All promotions must be voted on by the Council
    a. Knight: must complete training
    b. Master: must have trained one active member and participated in two
    c. other: must be seen fit by the Council

    V. Romoval from office
    Council members can be removed with 75% of the vote against them.
    All other seats 50% of the vote against them

    VI. Voting
    All members have the right to vote

    VII. Crimes
    Treason: Conspireing against the group
    Fraud: telling lies to a member
    Unlawful use of power: using power in a way that hurts the group
    Attack on a fellow member: Attacking a member
    Removal of a members rights: Making it hard for them to do what they
    need to do

    VIII. Punishment
    Treason: Excile
    Fraud: min.Loss of rights for two weeks-max.four weeks
    Unlawful use of power: min.Loss of position-max.excile (no exceptions)
    Attack on a fellow member: min.Loss of rights for two months-max.excile
    Rwmoval of a members rights: min.Loss of rights for one week-max. two

    IX. The Council
    The Counicl can have the same rights as any other member. But if a
    crime is commited the punishment will be the same as another members
    plus the loss of their position. A new member will be by the members of
    TSO. Candidates will be chosen by the Council (min. 3). A person can
    only be readmited to the Council after three months, however they must
    be voted on by the people. There must be seven seats at all times,
    except when a seat is being voted on. There may only be a vacant seat
    for two weeks. One of which is voting time. If a Council member comits a
    crime, then the people decide if they are guilty. The Council has the right
    to motion to remove a person from their office. The Council has supream
    control over the fleet and the army.

    X. The SSC
    Acess will be voted on by the members who already have acess.

    XI. Raw Materials
    All items built with TSO materials are TSO property until someone recieves authorization from the Council that they own it.

    XII. Amendments
    Any item can be added or subtracted from this article, however it must
    have 75% of the popular vote.

    XIII. Alliences
    All alliences will be reviewed by the council, then will be voted on by the
    people. Must have 51% of the vote or better.

  2. #2
    Admiral Roebuck
    Roebuck quickly looks over the articles....article and frowns, clasping his hands together on the table before him as he sat.

    "I appreciate your efforts Roul, but personally I don't really see the need for such regulations, to be perfectly honest, most of it is just common sense and as for punishment's I think they are conditional as many factors affect a crime committed and I feel that the motive behind the crime is more significant than the crime itself. Therefore punishments shouldn't, in my estimation, be set in stone like this."

  3. #3
    Lady DeVille
    I do not see the need for laws, we are not lawless people. Also, I think that the pre-requisites for being a master should be much higher.

  4. #4
    Garrett Blade
    *Garrett checks out De'Ville as she sits in her seat. He walks over to her and inhales her perfume as his nose rests on her neck. He stands upright with a grin on his usual, then speaks his mind...also as usual...*

    ...And besides.....there's not a single rule in the universe that can bound me! And even if there was...I'd soon outlive it! As for the things about becoming a sith "master".....your power is not rated by your rank, that determines the respect of others bestowed upon you!

    Your power (in the force) should be determined by the quality of your roleplaying...

    *......looks at Roebuck.......*

    ....and not by your popularity amongst council members...

    *Thinks of himself...*

  5. #5
    Lady DeVille
    She reaches up and grabs Blade's nose, giving it a mighty twist. "Don't do that again, or else you'll lose more than your nose."

  6. #6
    Darth Roul
    However if we have no structure then it will just be chaos.

  7. #7
    Garrett Blade
    Suddenly, the doors opened and in stepped Garrett Blade. As he did so, the doppleganger hovering over Lady De'Ville dissappeared into a crimson pool of death. Garrett stared at De'Ville for a few seconds, who was glaring right back at him. He took a seat.......then put it back down and sat on it. He eyed Roebuck, as the Admiral acknowledged him. Garrett viewed the proceedings quickly, then looked at Roul...*

    *A famous singer once said...RULES AND REGULATIONS, NO PLACE IN THIS NATION!!! I think I shall stand by that line in this matter. With one small addition I shall personally change to that line...*

  8. #8
    Lord Dagger
    :: Shakes his head ::
    "What need have we for rules? Those who understand the nature of the universe teach it to those who don't. Those who understand keep a peace that remains without strict laws that hamper growth, this problem was sorted, with out laws, common sense prevailed"

  9. #9
    Admiral Roebuck
    "Structure Roul?" he asks curiously with the traditional arched eyebrow.

    "Structure in TSO doesn't need to be written in stone for it to work. We've never used such rules in the past and quite frankly, the only chaos we've had is that between yourself and Garrett here. They are unneccessary and quite frankly, I feel insulted by the fact that we need any ground rules for the order. Out people, civillians and whatnot have rules to follow but we don't, our order and control here is based on mutual respect for each other."

  10. #10
    Live Wire
    Garret get out! You are not a member of the council and have no voice here and you do nothing but cause disention!

    Im not playing with you! leave under your own power while you have the chance!

    I agree with LD, I dont see the need for formal laws. So far we have done well without them. To many rigid laws are what has caused the problems at swfans. Common sense is what keeps people happy. Unless a drastic change happens I dont feel we need them.

  11. #11
    Lord Dagger
    :: Sigh ::
    "Which LD do you mean, there are 2 of us remember"

  12. #12
    Darth Roul
    A great speaker also once said, "A revolution every now and then is a good thing"-Thomas Jefferson, third president of the United States of America.

    Maybe you are right that we don't need a set of laws, but maybe if I removed the portion that restricts the power of the Council then maybe I would have unanimus vote? Maybe not. What I think is you are afraid of giving the members too much power.

    Another president said, "I'll leave it to the people."

    Are you afraid of this, isn't the reason we left TSC because we needed more freedom? Now you are all acting like a bunch of I-t-a-l-a-s. The boards should allow people to express themselves however they want. If we dont have the first part of the Articles then any moderator or administrdator could censor someone. If we don't have the second part then we could have another problem like the one between me and Garrett. If you are afraid of the power of the members then you shouldn't be the council. Also, this group is meant to be democratic. There cant be a democracy if the people have no rights.

    I can understand this from Gav and Garrett because they are British and they have lived under a king/queen forever. But us Americans should know the need for rights of the people, and structure.

    That is all, I hope it will help influence your votes.

    Oh, and if I cant get these past you, then I'll go above you.
    I'll go to the members!

  13. #13
    Garrett Blade
    Well Rule, I would like to ask Gav to join me in my responce to something that marilyn manson said at one of his live events...

    Lemme hear a "-DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR- OFF" for the Queen!!!


    I apologise for my language in thise post. It's not me, as such. I just thought I should point out how I feel about laws and rules and governments etc. I assure everyone that i shall never again swear on this or any other board. If my post is to be edited then so be it - i don't mind in the slightest. Perhaps I shall edit it myself at a later date, who knows?


    Sorry, you got the crowd response wrong, there was hno queen in it.

  14. #14
    Darth Roul
    I appologize for what I had said about the british

  15. #15
    Lord Dagger
    "Ahem, i'm british too, and i happen to like the queen. Anyway ROUL, how dare you threaten us, and how dare you presume to know our minds?"
    :: Calms down slightly ::
    "I don't think threatening us is good for your health"

  16. #16
    Darth Roul
    I just thought that it was the one part that I thought I would have a problem with. And seeing that it was the only part that restricted council power.

    I also never said that you hated the queen, I jus said that your society is not based on the same principles as ours.

    Also how did lord dagger and the lounge lizard get on the council (just wondering)

  17. #17
    Lord Dagger
    hmm don't know about LL but i was elected, LW brought up the idea that i join, due to my service to Jen and then her. Don't even start with what i think you are doing...

  18. #18
    Garrett Blade
    Same way that you didn't!

  19. #19
    Lady DeVille

    Here are my problems with you, in no paticular order.

    You have spent quite a bit of time AWAY from TSO, but when you come back you attempt to weasel onto the council. When you are rebuffed, you and Garrett get into an arguement, which the Council has to take care of. (this last part was just annoying, and not my real point)

    My point is this: You have brought a so called "articles of TSO" before the Council, and expect us to ratify it. When we are reluctant to do so, you accuse us of being I-tala-ish in our conduct.

    Our reasons for not needing the aforementioned "articles" is this: We have gotten along fine without them, and have had no complaints. We do not censor members' posts without DUE cause (and I can't think of a time when we have censored, except for language). And anyway, wasn't it @#%$'s rules and strict "my way or the highway" attitude what got TSC all riled up in the first place? Why do we need laws written that just insult our intelligence as rational beings?

    Good common sense. Perhaps you've heard of it? All your complaining is doing is making you look really bad, and not helping your "cause" at all. I don't know what your agenda is, Roul, but you're not going to be on the Council.

    ooc: and insulting people's ooc countries is not going to make you fans on TSO. I love England~! God save the queen! Besides, haven't you heard of the Prime Minister and Parliment? England isn't even a proper monarchy, its a constitutional monarchy with representation. /ic:

  20. #20
    Darth Roul
    I am not fighting for the Council, Im fighting for the people. It may sound Communistic, Anarchistic or rebelious.

    I say let the people rule. Hell let Anarchy rule. The people need their rights as members. If they dont they will revolt. They will leave. If that doesn't scare you than what will??

    I didn't try and weasle my way onto the council at all. I only tried to be recognized. The Articles of TSO were meant to give the people their rights as members. Such as the right to property. The right to hold a small personal army. My ways may not seem reasonable to you now. However they will when the people want their rights. You say they do, but where is a document that proves it? I was just writing down what was already being instituted verbaly.

    If you don't want these then so be it. I think you are afraid of the people and the power they hold. This document is the Magna Carta of the boards.

    If you didn't have your rights written down and your government just verbaly said things, what would you do? Would you fight for them written down? Or would you just allow the government to just keep telling you they are there? Think about that for a moment.

    Oh and the Council didn't have to take care of my problem with Garrett, I did
    OOC:I appologize for my remarks about the English earlier. IC:

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