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Thread: OOC: Need Assistance Please

  1. #21
    Seth Darkserpent

    Re: btw...

    Xinkz...change Big Bad Naga to Seth Darkserpent please

  2. #22
    Cirrsseeto Raurrssatta

    Re: btw...


  3. #23
    Nichos Marr

    Re: btw...

    OOC: Isn't Anbira already on the page? #1 most wanted...

  4. #24
    Darth Roul

    Re: btw...

    yeah anbira is a master.
    I am one of the last sith from the first reign of Itala (with LV). I was a very succesful spy for Itala (gave that up when it became illegal). I have killed numerous jedi and gungans. I have trained two succesful sith warriers (Fox609 and Darth Dark Cloak). I was also one of the rebels that left TSC. I have conquered the entire Churba system with only 200,000 battle droids and 10 ships.

  5. #25
    Lord Dagger

    Re: btw...

    well you see DV, Grandmaster doesn't really exist, but then, niether does master knight or lord, so whats one more made up rank, and it is MY rank and mine alone
    oh yeah and Dagger kicked Itala out of the galaxy, spied for him and is a Sith not a Dark Jedi

  6. #26
    Vega Van Derveld

    Re: btw...

    Uh, Ket Limelight.. he's a Knight right? And his name is no longer Limelight. It's Van-Derveld.

  7. #27
    Gav Mortis

    Re: btw...

    Well, even though Gav is currently "deceased" I thought it'd be best to keep you informed as he'll be back soon.

    Gav Mortis joined TSC at the age of 17 and under the training of Jen Katrina quickly moved up TSC's ranks. He is the sole surviving member of the Ziost bloodline and as a result has develloped his knowledge from Sith Lore as an early teenager. This develloped at TSC forming a Sorcery Circle for training in the Dark Arts. Whilst at TSC, he killed two Jedi Padawans, one Jedi Knight and also was the Sith that brought about the death of Master Yoghurt(until the little bugger returned! ). He was the Fleet Commander at TSC and then at TSO when he began his Zeus Project. For a short period he became TSC's leader until the Council was formed and resultantly they formed TSO where he remained a Council member until his untimely death over Tatooine.

    If he were to be given a rank now; rather than Master, I'd say Dark Sorceror as that suits him better.

  8. #28
    Jedi Knight Leia Solo

    Re: btw...

    Thanks for the info guys. That helps out a great deal. Please check if I am missing any other names ok. Thank you.

    I hope to revise the Villain Page this week

  9. #29
    Malice Draclau

    Re: btw...

    Xinz. Could you change Gengar13 to Malice Draclau. Thanks. Hmm hey guys like the sig.

  10. #30
    Lady DeVille

    Re: btw...

    Lady Lilaena De'Ville, Sith Knight of The Sith Order

    trained to rank of Knight by Lordess Live Wire, continuing training under Sith Master Jedah Lynch of TSO/TSE.

    What has she done? Hmmm...

    She was until recently a council member of TSO, but in a seemingly ill-fated coup attempt she stepped down from her position of power. She was at one time part of the Imperial Army, and has in her possesion the saber of one Michael Cline, Jedi Knight.

    I'm not sure what else I've done...mostly damage control and Apprentice training here at TSO.

  11. #31
    Aisha Klan Klan

    Re: btw...

    *cough* videl1999 *cough*

    OOC: *wonders why she is always forgotten*

  12. #32
    Nichos Marr

    Re: btw...

    You're out of date

  13. #33
    Lady Vader

    Re: btw...

    Lady Vader - Sith Master

    as to a short summary of my bad self... um, I don't think short will be possible, but I'll try... *ahem*...

    Born half human and half Trianii (feline species); raised on Dathomir by the witches; found way off planet and traveled to Coruscant; found @#%$; one of the first women to join TSC and be promoted to high statis in record time; moved to Corellia along with TSC; lived through all of TSC's reign and terrorizing; battled and killed innocents and Jedi; met Anbira in there somewhere; had Jubei in there somewhere; trained Live Wire in there somewhere; co-led the insurrection against TSC and co-created TSO; found a companion in Iesis (Corellian sand panther); holds high statis in TSO and helped coordinate alliances; killed some NR officials (no more Borsk Fey'lya! yippee!!); trained Darth Rane in there somewhere; created the Sith Amazons; found a companion in Shenraun (Myrkr lava dragon); now lives on both Corellia and Byss; favorite passtime: gutting Jedi with claws.

    I think that's it... oh wait! forgot one more thing... *ahem*...

    weilder of the dreaded FORCE PMS; OFFICIAL THREAD SHREADER!...

    if I thik of anything else, I'll put it down

  14. #34

    Re: btw...

    OOC: shut up, Nichos, I did plenty in my earlier days....

    Born on Myce, I was raised by my trainer Namu, my brother Yona and another man by the name of Radditz. During my time with them, I was trained to be an assassin. But at the 12, my last tie with that empire Radditz was killed so I left. For the next seven years, I wandered the planets until I became friends with Rama and Mara of the Sith Empire. I fought for them as a friend for a while, testing my skills against Mara and LL until I joined the Empire about a month later. Soon after, I fought anyone I could including JB, Yogurt, Mara, Bromine, LL, etc, and always managed to keep up with them. I rose to the rank of Lordess in only about 3 months, but then the bickering within TSE began. About 8 months later, I resigned from TSE and joined TSO.

  15. #35
    Cirrsseeto Raurrssatta

    Re: btw...

    Laughs at Nichos' joke

  16. #36
    Aisha Klan Klan

    Re: btw...


    IC: *scowls slightly at Nichos and Cirrsseeto*

  17. #37
    Seth Darkserpent

    Re: btw...


    Seth Darkserpent

    He's more machine now then man. Twisted, evil...wait...that's Darth Vader

    Seth Darkserpent

    Seth considers himself born only a few months ago. He was born on Coruscant, after transferring bodies and starting a whole new identity. The Dark-Sider wears Mandalorian armor along with a battle-axe and a flaming sword, powered by his hate. He hates one Jedi in particular, JK Leia Solo and will stop at nothing to exterminate her or anything she loves. Unlike other Sith, he craves both knowledge and power, using the Force to obtain both. He will only fight a Jedi under extreme circumstances and prefers keeping his powers hidden. He believes the element of suprise is the key to a win.

  18. #38
    Vega Van Derveld

    Re: btw...

    Did you get me? Am I on the list? (and why am I an outsider? I'm meant to be a knight here too, I think)

    EDIT - I AM ON THE LIST But I have no description.

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