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Thread: *kneels down*

  1. #1
    Emporer Hades

    *kneels down*

    *The dim light of the large room accents Hades' crimson body as a majority of the light is reflected off Hades' horn emmiting a faint silver glow to the room*

    Greetings...I am very interested in joining The Sith will taste the luchious fruit of victory much more with my strength...

    OOC: I am a Captain at GMA...I am a Sith disciple at TSE with another name(Hexadragon)...I am a co-owner of <A HREF=>The Galactic Shipyards</A>.

  2. #2
    Live Wire

    Re: *kneels down*

    Welcome to TSO.

    We seem to be getting an influx of interested people in the past few days. We will find a master for you as soon as possible. Make yourself at home. Get to know everyone.

  3. #3
    Emporer Hades

    Re: *kneels down*

    Yes, thankyou. I would also like to consult you of one more thing for now; how is it possible that I join one of TSO's fleets?

  4. #4
    Dark Lord Dyzm

    Re: *kneels down*

    Joining a fleet is a good idea. We have 5 active fleets as of the moment

    Alpha efense
    Beta efense
    Omega: Heavy Defense

    I Command the Delta and Gamma, And Garret Commands the Omega. With Gav gone I dont know who commands Alpha and Beta as of right now.

  5. #5
    Emporer Hades

    Re: *kneels down*

    Since I like alot of action...I am guessing that I would go with either the Gamma or Delta...either one would be fine, which ever one there is more room for advancement...please tell me which.

    I would also like to know a little bit about how you run things with these fleets...such as heirachy.


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