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Thread: Calling all masterless apprentices

  1. #1
    Lady DeVille

    Calling all masterless apprentices

    Attention all TSO apprentices. I will be conducting a group training session here in the training grounds. If you don't have a master yet, or if you already do but are willing to submit to some more training, join in here. Any knight or master is most welcome to join as well. I can't promise I'll be here every day, but I'm going to try my best.

    *De'Ville paced the huge training courtyard, boots clicking on the flagstones. She had just finished broadcasting a message on all comm channels, and was waiting for the willing students to trickle in.*

  2. #2

    Re: Calling all masterless apprentices

    *Kahn enters.*

    Hey LD. Thought I could use the extra training, since Psy says I'm doing pretty well I thought I could polish my skills.

  3. #3
    Jeseth Cloak

    Re: Calling all masterless apprentices

    Jeseth arrives quietly and nods to Lady De'Ville. It had been a while since his last training session, and perhaps this would be a bit different.

  4. #4
    Lady DeVille

    Re: Calling all masterless apprentices

    *She looked over the two apprentices which approached.* I had thought there might be more of you, but we'll just get started, and people can trickle in if they want.

    We're going to start off with simple telekineisis. But I know you both know how to do that already, so let's spice it up a little. *She reached out with the Force and levitated Kahn ten feet up and hung him upside down* Don't fight me, but listen.

    *De'Ville pointed at Jeseth.* Cloak, I want you to attack me. And Kahn, your assignment is to levitate Jeseth away from me while I do...this- *She started shaking him while he was suspended in mid air.* This will eventually have a point. Simply being able to use one Force move at a time will not help you when you are fighting mutiple opponents. Learn how to multitask -use a Force move while engaged in a non-stop lightsaber duel, etc. Kahn, you need to be able to concentrate on the Force even when you are being distracted by outside influences.

    *She spun Kahn around in the air, and threw a training saber to Jeseth while igniting her own.*

  5. #5

    Re: Calling all masterless apprentices

    *Kahn tried to concentrate and call up the Dark Side while being spun around in the air, but it was tough. His senses were shaken up as the scenery spun by. However, he used the helplessness of this situation to draw anger. He closed his eyes and continued to let this anger grow, until it engulfed him. He thought about his mother's death, his old master. He opened his eyes and focused on Jeseth, but it was hard since he kept spinning. He closed his eyes again, and pictured Jeseth in his mind. He imagined him floating in the air, and released his hatred.*

  6. #6
    Jeseth Cloak

    Re: Calling all masterless apprentices

    Jeseth liked the way Lady De'Ville's mind worked. This was quite an interesting exercise... He grinned and watched Kahn spinning in the air as the training saber ignited and coated him in a green pale aura.

    The beam hummed and cut through the air as Jeseth slashed for LD, manuevering to get into close quarters with her. Lightsabers were never his strong point, but if he could get his hands on an opponent, that was usually enough to end most fights. He reached out with his mind and shoved her away as hard as all his hatred and anger could push. She slid back as he began to advance towards her again.

  7. #7
    Lady DeVille

    Re: Calling all masterless apprentices

    *De'Ville blocked Jeseth's saber attack, holding Kahn up in his spinning position. Cloak advanced more, trying to get in as close as he could to her.

    She blocked another saber swing, and punched Jeseth solidly in the jaw, rocking his head back. Spinning around, De'Ville struck his left side with her training saber, giving him a slight burn through his clothes.

    He winced, and she slipped back a little as he pushed her again with the Force.*
    You're not using your strength in the Force! You can do better than this! *She crouched into a defensive position, and shouted at Kahn* Any time would be great! Once you have him levitated, I will drop you and you must then attack me. I'll take over holding him in the air when you do so.

    *De'Ville motioned to Jeseth* Bring it on...

  8. #8

    Re: Calling all masterless apprentices

    *Kahn uses a little bit of the Force to stop him from spinning for a moment, about a second, or not even that. He looks at Jeseth, and he begins to levitate in the air. Then Kahn drops towards the ground, as LD lets go of him and starts spinning Jeseth. Kahn gets up, a little disorientated, and ignites his training saber. He fakes going at LD's left shoulder and then goes for her right leg.*

  9. #9
    Lady DeVille

    Re: Calling all masterless apprentices

    *De'Ville jumps over the saber, and as she does so kicks Kahn in the shoulder. He stumbles backwards, but then comes at her again. She blocks another blow, keeping herself on the defensive.* Kahn, try harder! I'm right here! *She parries a blow and then spins around, tapping him on the shoulder with her saber* Try and touch me with yours... I dare you.

  10. #10
    Jeseth Cloak

    Re: Calling all masterless apprentices

    ;;He reached out with his mind, closing his eye and allowing the spinning to fade away. Jeseth saw the faint silhouttes of LD and Kahn through his anger and frustration. He struck violently at the smaller figure with the Force, watching him loose his footing and drift away from the ground as he tried to attack LD.;;

  11. #11
    Emporer Hades

    Re: Calling all masterless apprentices

    *Hades peers in at DeVille, and slowly emerges from the shadows with hands linked behind him.*

    "I am sorry...but I wish to wait for training where I will recieve training...I will keep myself occupied untill then."

    *Hades then backs up, back in to the shadows. A small whirlwind of fire emerges from the ground, and as it quickly recedes, Hades is gone.*

  12. #12

    Re: Calling all masterless apprentices

    *Kahn's rage grows as he feels the pain from the slight burn LD inflicted. As he rose up into the air, Kahn fought desparately to break Jeseth's hold. Using one of the new moves Psy taught him, Kahn used the Force to send his lightsaber straight for Jeseth. When he stopped momentarily to direct the ls in a new direction, Kahn dropped to the ground, and called his lightsaber back. Then he kicked at LD's feet, and when she jumped up to avoid it, he took a slice at her midsection.*

  13. #13
    Jeseth Cloak

    Re: Calling all masterless apprentices

    ;; Jeseth's saber spun with him wildly, he could see anything with his eyes closed, and the hum of his own saber was deafening. He pulled Khan's boots up from his legs and turned him upside down, spinning him wildly in every direction. He had to fight LD.;;

  14. #14

    Re: Calling all masterless apprentices

    *Kahn fought to free himself, but Jeseth had him tight. He couldn't use the ls trick again, Jeseth would be expecting it. And with all the spinning, it was hard to concentrate. He tried to use the Force to stop himself from spinning, but the boy's attempts wouldn't work on Jeseth, who's hold on Kahn was strong. Kahn decided to use another move, one that did not require him to look at his opponent, since that was made almost impossible by the spinning. Kahn used Deadly Sight, and pictured Jeseth as his old master, he pictured him engulfed in flames, burning. Kahn remembered to keep the intensity low, so he wouldn't hurt Jeseth. Just the same, small flames showed up all around Jeseth.*

  15. #15
    Jeseth Cloak

    Re: Calling all masterless apprentices

    Jeseth yelled out as the flames burned at him, but they only served to increase his anger, Khan spinning faster and faster. The pain broke through him suddenly, and in a frantic attempt to rid himself of the fire, he released Khan and threw him against the ground.

  16. #16

    Re: Calling all masterless apprentices

    *Kahn stopped using Deadly Sight as he fell to the ground. Not ready to be released so quickly, and still dizzy, he landed wrong on his ankle and sprained it. He used the Dark Side to dim the pain a little, altough it was still hard to use that leg. Not yet stable enough to use a physical attack, he used Force Choke on LD.*

  17. #17
    Jeseth Cloak

    Re: Calling all masterless apprentices

    Jeseth's stomach was begin to churn up everything he had eaten. He didn't think he could take more of this spinning. He knocked han to the ground as hard as he could, the Force striking him painfully. As he fell back Jeseth once again lifted him off his feat and began to turn him in every direction.

  18. #18

    Re: Calling all masterless apprentices

    *Kahn didn't give up much resistance, he was already drained from loosening Jeseth's hold on him before. He reached out the Force attempting to Force push Jeseth and break his concentration, but it was in vain.*

  19. #19
    Lady DeVille

    Re: Calling all masterless apprentices

    *De'Ville was caught off guard by the use of Force Choke by Kahn, but she recovered quickly, using the Force to allow air through her trachea and into her lungs. However, Kahn's attack did not last long, as he was again distracted by Jeseth.

    She smiled at the two battling each other, and she shouted out*
    Jeseth, Kahn, good work. Now, lower Kahn gently and slowly Jeseth, we're going to do something else.

    De'Ville twirled her saber as the two apprentices (now both on the ground) faced her. She touched her commlink, and spoke softly into it. The other two could not understand her, but were suddenly disorientated as a Force empty bubble surrounded them. Ten troopers with nutrient frames and yslamiri hurried in, taking positions around the courtyard so that the empty bubble covered the whole area.

    The two apprentices felt nauseated, and De'Ville did too. But, this was the best way to do what she planned on doing.
    You both need to work on your saber skills. I would have simply asked you not to use the Force during this exercise, but this way you can't.

    There will always be a time when you need to be able to defend yourself without the aid of the Dark Side. You will have to work through the disorientation and the nausea (you'll get used to it), and even work together if you choose, but attack me again.

    *She rocked back on her heels, and assumed a defensive position.*

    ooc: please, only one post each, let me have half a chance to respond. /ic:

  20. #20

    Re: Calling all masterless apprentices

    OOC: Ok, sorry about that.


    *Kahn felt blind without the Force, he had never been completely cut off from it before...not of his own free will anyways. The nausea he had felt before, but he had always been able to use the Force to dim it. He shook his head, trying to get in touch with the Dark Side, but it was impossible. He ignited his saber, and ran at LD, somersaulting over her and kicking her in the back on his way down. Then he aimed a blow w/ his lightsaber at her right shoulder.*

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