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Thread: msn spar

  1. #1
    Live Wire

    msn spar

    just a spur of the moment spar between myself and my apprentice.

    Mistress Live Wire says:
    *LW looks at her apprentice nothing but blind anger and hatred in her eyes. LD looks back knowing she can expect no mercy this time LW rushes her apprentice and LD sidesteps her but then feels a force push that sends her slamming into the wall*

    Hollie says:
    *LD ignites her dark purple lightsaber an instant before LW slashes down with her yellow saber. The sabers clash with the overwheming smell of ozone, and LD is pushed down to the ground with the force of LW's attack.. LD pushes LW's legs out from under her with the Force, and jumps to her feet -- up and away from her mistress's fury. LW runs at her again, twirling her saber, and LD bats it down with her purple-jade saber.*

    Mistress Live Wire says:
    *LW uses her free hand and slams it into LD's face her nails raking accross LD's cheek. LD winces at the sting and jumps back just in time to avoid her mistress' lightsaber. The sabers clash and the two women glare at each other and LW gets a force grip around LD's neck and LD drops her saber and her hands tug at the invisble hands around her neck*

    Hollie says:
    *LD uses the force to open her windpipe, allowing the sweet oxygen to flow into her lungs. Getting a deep breath, LD calls her saber to her hands just in time to block another savage blow from her mistress. Backflipping away, LD catches LW under the chin with her heavy boots, snapping her head back*

    Mistress Live Wire says:
    *LW hears the crack in her neck and knows shes gonna need to find a good chiropractor after this spar. LW throws a knife at her apprentice which LD bats aside with the force but it was all the distraction LW needed to kick her apprentices legs out from under her. LW slashes at LD's stomach but LD barely gets her saber up intime and they meet just inches above LD's stomach*

    Hollie says:
    *Time seems to freeze and a bead of sweat drops off LW's face into LD's eye. LW find herself flying through the air as LD force pushes her off. LW lands fifteen feet away, the wind knocked out of her. LD runs toward her, and LW barely is able to get to her knees before LD is swinging her saber at her mistress' throat*

    Mistress Live Wire says:
    *Their sabers clash again but LD feels a blow to the back of her head and goes sprawling forward. LW had used the force to pick up a rock and hit her apprentice with it. LW calls her apprentice's saber to her and hand holds it at the back of LD's head*

    Hollie says:
    *LD employs the special force cut-off switch on her saber to deactivate it, and she regains her feet. Before LW can attack her with her own saber, LD jumps up and plants a solid kick in LW's solar plexus*

    Mistress Live Wire says:
    *LW coughs and stumbles backwards with the blow. but manages to send a blast of force destruction at her apprentice which sends her slamming down hard on the floor*

    Hollie says:
    DAMMIT! *LD's body burns withthe attack, and she writhes on the ground in pain. LW stands, hands on knees, catching her breath as LD stumbles back to her feet. LD snatches her lightsaber up and ignites it, force running straight at LW*

    Mistress Live Wire says:
    *right before LD gets to her LW changes into her pure energy form and LD runs right into her and curses. LD once again feels the familiar sensation of the life being drained right out of her. LW doesnt release her till she is sure her apprentice is unconcious*

    Hollie says:
    *lays on the ground unconscious, deactivated saber clutched tight in her palm*
    *LD finds herself in the darkness of her own mind, and struggles for the light. Finding consciousness again, she revives just in time to feel LW kicking her in the ribs. Rolling away and to her knees, LD ignites her saber to block LW's blows, and then her fingers crackle with darkness.... LW screams and falls as force lightning jumps from LD's long fingers and touches her body*

    Mistress Live Wire says:
    *LW is surprised at the assult but quickly switches to her absorb mode and lets the energy become one with her body*
    LW: now that I know you have finally learened that I will be prepared next time
    *LW sends lightening back at her apprentice and the blasts of energy collide in the air*

    Hollie says:
    *feeling her mistress' superior strength, LD know she must switch tactics. LW cries out in surprise as a nearby rope wraps itself around her legs and yanks her off her feet. LD lets her hang suspended upside down for a few seconds, then yanks her up as high as she can, and then lets go*

    Mistress Live Wire says:
    *LW glares at her apprentice. As she falls her body glows and morphs into the shape of a bird. LW flys over to a corner and resumes her shape*
    LW: I thought this would be a good time to test out that ability.
    *LW sends another blast of force destruction at her apprentice and runs over and kicks her in the stomach*

    Hollie says:
    *LD cries out in pain and anger. Her rage billows up in her chest and she reaches out her hand and sends a ball of dark ice flying at LW's stomach*

    Mistress Live Wire says:
    *LW sends a ball of flame at the ice and melts in instantly*
    LW: You gotta do better then that!
    *LW lifts her apprentice into the air and slams her against a wall pinning her there*

    Hollie says:
    *LD kicks futily against the wall, and then sees her saber lying on the ground behind LW. She silently floats it up behind LW as her mistress gloats at her, and then ignites it, spinning it in an arc at LW's head*

    Mistress Live Wire says:
    *LW releases her apprentice letting her fall to the floor. LW hits her apprentice twice in the face and kicks her once in the stomach. twisting her apprentices arms behind her LW pulls out a dagger and holds it at her apprentices throat. LW eyes her apprentice for a moment....and then releases her.*
    LW: go get cleaned up. we are done for today

  2. #2
    Darth Tholuem

    Re: msn spar

    Wow, that's long

    Do you know where Gav is? I wanna continue my training, but he doesn't show up...


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