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Thread: Home for now.

  1. #21

    Re: Home for now.

    The evil Gengar was stunned momentarely, but managed to move out of the way.

    (Hahahaha i will not go down so easily hehe)

    Then Gengar sneaked behind the evil Gengar and kneed him hard in the back. As he fell forwards, Gengar ran after him and jumped into the air and landed on Gengar with a kick to his backside.

    *That was for hitting me*

    He looks at Kahn.

    *Hey where'd you learn that move*

    Before he could answer, the evil Gengar taclked Gengar to the ground. They where now rolling around on the ground wrestling each other. Gengar yelled out.

    *Hey you get off me*

    OOC:Hades, we are in my mind. But if you use the force then you could get in as well. Then you can help us.

  2. #22

    Re: Home for now.

    *Kahn didn't say anything, only drew his blaster and aimed...he thought for a momentwait a minute, what am I doing? If I fire I might hit gengar....

    Who cares? he's a danger to you too.

    yeah right, he's my friend I'm not gonna shoot him.

    *Kahn puts down the blaster and instead focuses and uses Force Choke on the evil gengar, at least he can be sure of accuracy in this because of the distinct difference between gengar and the evil gengar.*

    OOC: I talk to myself too I'm not gonna steal your idea though gengar, don't worry.

  3. #23

    Re: Home for now.

    The evil Gengar gets lifted into the air and he grabs his throat.

    (Agh...let...let go of you boy...cough cough*

    Gengar gets up and laughs.

    *Hahaha well Kahn i am pleased with you. I never knew you knew how to do this stuff. I am glad your on my side, well on my good side at least*

    Gengar picked up his saber and looked at the evil Gengar.

    *It's time you go and never come back. You where created for on purpose and one purpose only. But you changed and now you must...die*

    He charged at the Evil Gengar and thrusted his saber right into his gut.

    ( co...could you. We..we ar...are one)

    He falls to the ground lifeless. He slowly fades.

    (I will be back. One day.....i will return stronger then ever. You haven't seen the last of me agghhhhh)

    He disappears. Gengar falls to the ground tired.

    *Boy...i can't believe it. He's finally gone. Hehehe i...i can be myself once again haha*

    Gengar catches his breath.

  4. #24
    Emporer Hades

    Re: Home for now.

    OOC: Yeah, I know, and I did go in, in a previous post, sutin like 'dips in to Gengar's mind', but I'll do it again anyway.

    *Hades gives a sigh, knowing another battle is to follow, and he emerges deep in Gengar's mind, and he sees 'the other Gengar' fighting off Kahn and the real Gengar.*

    "Ugh...well, guess I better get this started, and finish this quickly...I am crammed for time now-days...nothing like about 1 billion years ago when Sith, Jedi, Imperials, and all those other groups weren't around...messing with my schedule."

    *Hades uses his force power to take one of the double-light sabres from his sash, ignite it, and place it in his right hand.*

  5. #25

    Re: Home for now.

    *Kahn grins at Gengar.*

    Good, now he's gone. Yeah, Psy has been teaching me some new moves, Force Choke, Force Lightning, and Force Destruction. Ummm...could we go back to the real world now? It's kinda creepy in here...*Kahn notices another gengar (obviously the crazy part of gengar) rolling around in circles.* lol

    *Kahn wonders slightly if the other gengar was right about him, if he really isn't fit to be a Sith...but that can't be true, after all he and Gengar just defeated him.*

  6. #26
    Lord Psychic

    Re: Home for now.

    OOC: I missed it? Waah! jk

  7. #27

    Re: Home for now.

    Gengar looks at Psy and laughs.

    *Ummm that's not the evil Gengar Psy. That's just the one that likes to roll around...ohh and that's the one that likes to drink haha. Gee i got alot of personalities. But at least the bad ones gone for the time being. So let's get outta here, I do not like you guys being inside my mind and all*

    They all leave and end up back inside his room. Gengar slwoly gets up from his bed. He sees his Captain looking at DF with his gun pointed at him.

    *Bro what you doing. Do not even think of shooting my Captain. Not unless you want another tree sticking out of your stomach*

    CAPTAIN:Thanks sir. I should be leaving now. I'm glad your safe haha.

    The Captain leaves the room.

    *Boy...i need to train. Wait hows LW doing. Did she wake up*

    He looks at Everyone.

  8. #28

    Re: Home for now.

    OOC: lol, yeah I was waiting for you to notice that...

  9. #29

    Re: Home for now.

    OOC:Well that's ok. It's a shame though but ohh well.

  10. #30

    Re: Home for now.

    OOC: Too many ppl posting at once! I can't keep up! lol

    *Kahn looks at Gengar.* Yeah, she woke up....but she is kinda messed up right now so it might be awile before she continues your training. (at least, I THINK it might be awhile, she might have other ideas or something.)

    *Kahn shifts his attention to Psy.*
    Hiya Master. Hey, I tried out those new moves and they worked great.

  11. #31

    Re: Home for now.

    Gengar frowns.

    *Well the main thing is shes ok. I can continue my training another time*

    He looks up at the others.

    *But i don't think i should continue it here*

  12. #32

    Re: Home for now.

    Huh? What do you mean?

    OOC: Speaking of training...*hint hint* Psy, if we're both on at the same time........*even bigger HINT HINT.*

  13. #33

    Re: Home for now.


    IC:Gengar got up and walked around his room.

    *Well you heard him. He said he'd be back. So i figured instead of staying here and training. I would go to another sith group and train there. But just until i am a knight, then i would return. I just don't want to cause trouble here anymore*

    He looks around.

  14. #34

    Re: Home for now.

    *Kahn doesn't want Gengar to leave, not his best friend....but the other gengar WAS a danger...the choice was up to gengar.*

    But what about Amnde? You can't really just leave her until you become a knight....what with the you-know-what and all.

  15. #35

    Re: Home for now.

    He smiles.

    *Yeah i know. But i was thinking of you know joining TNSC for a while. That's where DF trains and they got some good masters as well. Plus i know everyone there so things should go easy for me*

    He sits down on his bed.

    *But for now i will not make a decision. Not yet. I will talk with LW and Amnde before i make my choice*

  16. #36

    Re: Home for now.

    Whatever you choose, I'm with you. Oh...and umm...when is the *secret* due?

  17. #37

    Re: Home for now.

    He laughs and uses the ofrce to speak to him.

    *Well she is a little over two weeks now. S i really don't know. But i can't wait. My first child. I will however try to turn him to the darkside though i know what he will be when he grows up*

    He lays down on his bed.

    *Boy am i tired. I think i will get aome sleep. So sorry buddy but could you kinda leave for now. Ohh and thanks for you help*

  18. #38

    Re: Home for now.

    No problem, see you around. Oh, and if you get possesed by another evil spirit thingy tell me ok?

    *Kahn walks out of the room, and grabs an ice pack to put on his ribs...they are black and blue from the kick the evil gengar gave him.*


  19. #39

    Re: Home for now.

    Gengar falls asleep fast. And for the first time, he has a good sleep with no bad dreams.

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