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Thread: *sneaks into Jeseth's room..

  1. #41
    Jeseth Cloak

    Re: ...

    "Now you wait here until things are sorted out."

    He glanced into the shadow's, the feeling of eyes on him causing him to shudder. He felt through the darkness, but sensed nothing through the Force.

    "I'll keep you company here as often as I can, if you even care. Solitude can be a terrible form of torture for human beings... at least I've been led to understand."

    Jeseth's rested his hand atop Disorder, taking comfort in the metalic cold feel of his weapon.

    "If you need anything, let me know... I'm usually off-world on business, but I'll see to it that you're kept in good health, even if you are a prisoner."

    He sighed, then leaned against a wall opposite the cell.

  2. #42
    Lord Dagger

    Re: ...

    :: Dagger watched them both, Fire sensed his slightly, as he had intended, Jeseth still felt nothing, good, Dagger watched them and smiled. They were good together, if only Jeseth could turn her to the darkside she would make a fine addition ::

  3. #43
    Fire Hazzard

    Re: ::Cadet Sneeks in...

    OOC: BLERGH! Ick..planetary sheilds..who likes 'em? Not I, not I..that was god-mode.

    IC: *Fire stands up and walks to the bars of her cell, closing her eyes. Making a connection to him through their minds, she speaks to him telepathically.* Help me. Prove that you really do care about me get out of here. Or was this whole thing a set-up? Jeseth..I thought you would have this taken care of so that they wouldn't know I was here. I trusted you. But obviously you never loved me like you said you were leading me on, using me.

  4. #44
    Jeseth Cloak

    Re: ::Cadet Sneeks in...

    <font size=1>OOC: Jedi Cadet, if you are planning to RP your way into this place... you're crazy, you'd end up in a cell right along with Fire... that is, if the entirity of TSO doesn't obliterate you first...</font>

    Jeseth listens to her, the cold feel of eyes still on him, penetrating from the shadows. He turned and glanced into the darkness where Dagger stood, raising his hands to bend the light and dispell the darkness, but then reconsidered; He didn't care if he was being watched.

    Love... Perhaps it's alot like existance. A Dream and nothing more. Does that make you mad?

    He looked into her eyes, saying those words with the intentions to summon the darker urges within her.

  5. #45
    Fire Hazzard

    Re: ::Cadet Sneeks in...

    No, it does not. If you never cared about me, if you thought it all a dream..that is not my problem. I have things to deal with in my past, and I can't be hurt any more than I already am.

  6. #46
    Lord Dagger

    Re: ::Cadet Sneeks in...

    OOC/Cadet, if you came anywhere near the cells Dagger would kill you in an instant\IC
    :: Dagger watches and feels pitty for them, knowing that Fire loves Jeseth and suspecting that, whether he knew it or not, Jeseth loved Fire. Dagger roled his eyes, wondering why he was doing what he was doing and gave a little push on Jeseth's mind ::

  7. #47
    Fire Hazzard

    Re: ::Cadet Sneeks in...

    *Fire's eyes open, and dart over to the shadows, where she could now clearly sense a presence, and she knew who it was. Dagger. Scowling, she spoke to him* Leave us alone. His decision is his.

  8. #48
    Lord Dagger

    Re: ::Cadet Sneeks in...

    :: Dagger speaks back to Fire ::
    "His desision is his, correct, he just needs to see the truth displayed before him with no lies, then he will choose the right path, i am not interferring for any particular side, i just do not want to see an apprentice torn apart becuase he cannot decide which path is right. No concentrate on the matter at hand, not on me!"

  9. #49
    Fire Hazzard

    Re: ::Cadet Sneeks in...

    *Fire nods and turns back to Jeseth, waiting..*

  10. #50
    Darth Red XII

    Re: ::Cadet Sneeks in...

    ::Red walks down the cell blocks until he reaches Fires cell. He sees Jeseth standing in front of her cell.::

    ::Red turns to Jeseth::

    Hey man if you wish i can keep her company while you see what you can do to get her out of here. I really dont mind and it would make things go much faster.

    ::Red stares into Fires cell seeing the twin sister of his old master remembering the time he spent with him and the promises he mad....Then suddenly red shakes his head and peers back to jeseth.::

    What ya say man?

  11. #51
    Fire Hazzard

    Re: ::Cadet Sneeks in...

    *Fire glares at them*

  12. #52
    Lord Dagger

    Re: ::Cadet Sneeks in...

    :: Speaks to Fire again ::
    "Hmm well that is rather unexpected wouldn't you say my dear?"

  13. #53
    Fire Hazzard

    Re: ::Cadet Sneeks in...

    Don't call me DEAR.

  14. #54
    Darth Red XII

    Re: ::Cadet Sneeks in...

    Whats so unexpected? The fact that i am helping instead of hindiring things?

  15. #55
    Fire Hazzard

    Re: Sick of the Cadet thing appearing..

    I need to speak with him ALONE.

  16. #56
    Jeseth Cloak

    Re: Sick of the Cadet thing appearing..

    "My friends, I appreciate your good counsel, however, I do beleive I must speak with her alone... Whatever decisions I shall make must be considered carefully."

    He bows and awaits their response.

    "You may wait outside if you so wish, should I require your assisstance."

  17. #57
    Darth Red XII

    Re: Sick of the Cadet thing appearing..

    ::Red takes a look at fir then Jeseth::

    No problem at all man.

    ::Red turns and leaves the cell block into a small room with cameras showing the cell blocks in it and waits for dagger to follow::

  18. #58
    Lord Dagger

    Re: Sick of the Cadet thing appearing..

    :: Dagger emurges from the shadows near Jeseth. He bows once to the two of them and the glances at where his apprentice his beginning to come round, Dagger flicks his wrist in the general direction and Chryn slumps unconcious once more. Dagger turns to leave and then stops ::
    "I will be out side, don't do anything foolish, but follow your heart"
    :: He looks at them once more ::
    "Both of you"
    :: Then he follows Red into the camera room ::

  19. #59
    Jeseth Cloak

    Re: Sick of the Cadet thing appearing..

    He nods to Dagger, thinking about what he had just said. Someone who had lived for so many years would surely have experience in such matters... His eyes came up and he looked at Fire.

  20. #60
    Fire Hazzard

    Re: Sick of the Cadet thing appearing..

    If you have something to say, you lying bastard, just say it.

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