*LV had descended from the Cizerack vessel after having gotten permission from the Emissary to disembark... once reaching the surface, she went straight to the site where the Palace once stood... there she saw the crumbled building, with various people helping to remove debris and find survivors or otherwise*

*off to the distance, she saw Shenraun helping to remove the larger pieces, placing them in a pile away from the wrecked palace... Iesis, once seeing LV had returned, trotted up to her, standing by her side*

*it was devistating to see the distruction, but it was time to move on... and rebuild*

*she pulled out her commlink and contacted Correllian Construction Inc.*

CCI. This is Lady Vader of TSO. I wish to rent some of your facilities to clear away large debris.

CCI Manager: Certainly, my Lady. What type of debris are we talkig about here?

*LV surveyed the area again*

We're talking about large stone chunks, metal, marble, ceramic... basically everything that made up the top portion above the ground of TSO's Palace.

*there was silence for a moment on the other end, and then an incredulous inquery*

CCI Manager: You mean the Palace that we built for you so long ago?

The very same.

CCI Manager: Oooo. Ok, I know just what you'll need. I'll send it over ASAP.

*LV smiled and watched as the relief crew kept working at what pieces they could*

Thank you, CCI. Lady Vader out.


*about an hour later, a rumbling could be heard coming up the slope of the hill where the palace had been situated... moments later huge machines pounded their way up towards the debris*

*LV waved and shouted to everyone to clear the area and let the massive constuction droids go to work... she watched as 2 EVS Construction Droids, 2 GRZ-6B Wrecker Droids, and 4 LIN Demolitionmechs set to work... each EVS had a GRZ as a partner... the enormous EVS' picked up large pieces of debris, placing it inside the GRZ's to be demolished and either burned or recycled in it's miniture factory... the LIN's whirled about, setting small mines to tobble pieces of walls that had partially crumbled, but need to be removed, makig it easier for the EVS' to pick them up without tearing at the palace's foundation*

*soon the clean up would be over and the rebuilding would begin*

*TSO was to be born anew*