The shuttle made its final approach to the landing platform.

Control, we are hear under the internal interests of the Pride. We wish to meet with several of our citizens, and possibly establish trade with your outpost if at all possible within time restraints.

The tri-wing shuttle touched down slowly on a landing pad, its lower two wings drawing up underneath. Slowly, the gangplank lowered on the ship, and two armored humanoids stepped out, carrying heavy blasters. Behind them, a man came in a loose-fitting, black formal outfit. He had tan, striped skin, and wore headgear of some kind. When he spoke, elongated canines could be seen. Slowly, he gestured to each side, to the guards beside him, speaking to the group who came to greet the landing party.

Grrreetjingsss. jI am Keerrrrrrourrrrrrji Sssarrrrrrtarrrrrroa, Chjief Manssserrrvant of the Cjizerrrack Prrrjide Motherrr. The onljy weaponsss jI have to declarrre arrre the sssjidearrrmsss of mjy two guarrrdsss herrre, sssent to prrrotect me. jI come jin peace...thank jyou forrr acceptjing ourrr companjy.

Sarrtarroa placed a clenched right fist over his left chest, a Cizerack sign of respect and honor.