Full Name: Teka Veritas Kenobi

Nickname: Teka

Age: 19

Sex: Male

Species: Human

Rank: Jedi Padawan

Place of Birth: Kail

Height: 5'7

Weight: 155 lbs

Hair/Eyes: Brown/Blue

Goals: To become a Jedi Master

Hobbies: Anything sporty. Teka loves to explore.

Clothes: Normaly wears a long black hooded cloak, that sweeps the ground. This covers his white shirt, white baggy trousers and his black belt and boots. He wears a necklace with a small stone left by his father before he died. It is not unseen for him to be wearing a white cloak, identical in every way (apart from the colour) to his black one.

Weapons/Vehacles: Blue light sabre (Pax - Peace)/Teal lightsabre (Verax - Truth), and double bladed white light saber (Lux - Light). He owns an X-Wing called Avolo (to fly away).

Romantic staus: Single (for now hehe)

Physical description: An athletic 19 year old, slim but solid.

Background: Teka's father died in a fight with an unknown sith a few weeks before he was born. For one and a half earth decades Teka's mother hid his true heritage from him. At the age of fifteen she revealed who he was and a few close relatives. She could not be sure of what relations they actually were to him as they were all from his fathers side of the family. For a fifteenth birthday present Teka recieved a blue lightsabre and a double-bladed white sabre both used and left by his father.

Teka used the lighhsabres very rarely, he was well aware of the danger they are when you have been trained let alone when you are ten and dont even know the correct position to stand in.

At the age of seventeen Teka decided that he would become a Jedi and caught a ship travelling to coruscant there he found the main GJO area, and in the recruitment center he was sensed as a Kenobi be Hart Kenobi who took him on as a Padawan. At the GJO he purchased a brand new X-wing called Avolo. At 18 a sith named Vega Van Dervaled stole Pax in a fight at Tatooine. Building another single bladed sabre called Verax, which is teal in colour brings us up to date. Will Teka ever find out who killed his father?