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Thread: I wish to become a jedi

  1. #1
    Ferin Cloudstalker

    I wish to become a jedi

    * There stands a boy of about 6 ft tall, and a lean 180 lbs...the boy looks around, and begins to speak...*

    I an Ferin Cloudstalker, son of Amiet Cloudstalker...My father is dead, and i wish to become a jedi to fufill my fathers wishes. I am willing to do whatever it takes to attain the status of jedi knight...Please, give me a chance.

  2. #2
    Ferin Cloudstalker

    Re: I wish to become a jedi

    *The Boy Kneels down in homage...*

    Please, Jedi Masters, Let me have a chance...let me prove to you that I can be taught...Please.

  3. #3
    Ferin Cloudstalker

    Re: I wish to become a jedi

    Very well...I shall come back again sometime...maybe then, you might listen to me.

    *the boy leaves, obviously very upset.*

  4. #4
    Warren Azalin

    Re: I wish to become a jedi

    :: Walking into the Recruitment Center dressed in his usual attire the Jedi headed towards the newcomer that seemed to be walking away. Removing his hood slightly as he walked he reached the newcomer and spoke to him in a soft tone ::

    "I couldn't help but hear you before, sorry it took me so long but I had my hands full. Well now Welcome to the Greater Jedi Order, my name is Jedi Knight Warren Azalin. I am one of the Assistant Jedi Academy Coordinators here, now you wish to be a Jedi correct. Well if that is what you wish then I shall seek you out a Master, till then you may go to the Academy for a friendly spar with fellow Jedi or you may go to the Bar and Grill and meet new people."

  5. #5
    Anakis Moreven

    Re: I wish to become a jedi

    *Anakis enters the Recruitement Center and walks over to the boy*

    "Hello. I am Jedi Knight Anakis Moreven. I have been chosen to be your master by the Jedi Council. When you are ready, tell me, and we shall begin training"

    *Anakis then leaves, waiting*

  6. #6

    Re: I wish to become a jedi

    A boy of the age about 6ft tall enters a room filled with all different creatures in it

    he senses a jedi receponist around the corner
    "I am am Bryce-Bon i have come here to become a jedi knight are there any jedi masters to train me

  7. #7

    Re: I wish to become a jedi

    OOC: Bryce.. make your own thread.. and people will respond.. ok?

  8. #8
    Navaria Tarkin

    Re: I wish to become a jedi

    OOC~ Just so y'all know.


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