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Thread: Artemis Jinn's Training

  1. #21
    Liam Jinn

    Re: Artemis Jinn's Training

    Hart, you're jealous of that muscle..its ok, you'll get a muscle one day

  2. #22
    Hart Kenobi

    Re: Artemis Jinn's Training

    What? Sorry, I couldn't hear you. I think all of your nose and backhair filtered all the noise.

  3. #23
    Artemis Jinn

    Re: Artemis Jinn's Training

    *Laughes at Liam.*

    I was thinking of using Padme, since I have no imagination.

  4. #24
    Hart Kenobi

    Re: Artemis Jinn's Training

    Look at my title

    Edit: But I don't like grits

  5. #25
    Artemis Jinn

    Re: Artemis Jinn's Training

    Lol. You wanna continue training now? I know I have to get through it to be made a knight.

  6. #26
    Hart Kenobi

    Re: Artemis Jinn's Training

    Well, not really. I think getting a social understanding of what it means to be a Jedi is what you will be judged on. Lot's of other people try to pass junk like training is gonna prepare someone. It's not. Whether or not you do this, you'll make your own decisions when you rp by yourself. So it's really just a personal self-understanding rather than repitition in writing things that are basically useless. Unless you're thinking of something specific you might want to work on. Then I'll try to help out as much as possible.

  7. #27
    Liam Jinn

    Re: Artemis Jinn's Training

    Youngin's these days, Hart I remember when you were just a owe me respect...R-E-S-P-E-C-T..

  8. #28
    Artemis Jinn

    Re: Artemis Jinn's Training

    Okidays. Could you teach me some Force moves though, cause I don't know that many besides Force Push and Force Pull and levitating stuff.

  9. #29
    Hart Kenobi

    Re: Artemis Jinn's Training

    Ok, sure, here's some that are acceptable by a padawan:

    1) Relatively strong Force Wall: A move similar to Push but it's stationary. Has a lot of purposes if you use your imagination.
    2) You can leap about 30 meters high. The length forward or backwards is probably that cut in half.
    3) You can run about 50-60 mph
    4) Most people won't agree, but I think padawan's should be able to use the Force Shield, which is basically what it sounds like. It's used to block the electricity that Sith Masters are known to shoot every once and a while. Many Sith godmode, so it's always a good idea to have that in your arsenal.
    5) If someone shoots you or stabs you and you don't think that they're fighting fair, then you may transfer the energy into your own. For example, if a bolt shoots you in the arm, you can absorb it and use it to strengthen your next attack. It also is controversial with a padawan, but many times it's necessary.

    There may be a lot I'm forgetting, but those are the basics that are recognized. The rest is merely using your imagination and writing style to develope a defense or an offense.

    Now that you've got somewhat of a choice in what to do in certain circumstances, let's just test it out.

    *A metallic orb enters the training area and immediately shoots a bolt at Artemis. Then another, until finally, it simply shoots round after round continuously*

    "Try to destory it before you get stunned too often to fight."

  10. #30
    Artemis Jinn

    Re: Artemis Jinn's Training

    *Artemis jumps up to avoid a bolt, but as she comes down she gets hit.*

    This can't be good.

    *Artemis ehances her speed w/ the Force, and runs at the orb, also using the Force to sense where it will fire and dodging the bolts (like Luke on the Millinium Falcon practicing against the droid when he was blindfolded). She jumps into the air and kicks the orb. Then as she comes down Artemis punches it,and uses Force Shield, blocking a few of the bolts. However, the shield won't be good for long. Artemis notices a few rocks lying around and kicks the orb again. When it takes a few moments to recover, she drops the Force shield and sends the rocks at the orb, battering it again and again. Soon it's firing at a slower rate and Artemis is able to dodge the bolts while the rocks destroy it. It lets out a beep and falls to the ground, inoperative.*

    How was that? I didn't know if I could use Force shield and also control the rocks at the same time or if that would be godmoding for a Padawan.

  11. #31
    Hart Kenobi

    Re: Artemis Jinn's Training

    A force shield would not deflect bolts of electricity that efficiently. Think of it as a thicker part of air that provides extra friction. It is usually used to block debris and physical objects instead of energy. Only use that against electrical bolts when extremely necessary. It's not true Star Wars, but sometimes it's necessary against people who cheat when they fight. But using the rocks was, of course, acceptable.

    Have you read any of the Expanded Universe novels?

  12. #32
    Artemis Jinn

    Re: Artemis Jinn's Training

    Umm....actually, I haven't. I read the Jedi Apprentice books and thats about it.

    Edit: TTT

  13. #33
    Hart Kenobi

    Re: Artemis Jinn's Training

    Good. Don't listen to any of those moves that they have in there if you ever do. I assume you've seen the movies though, right? Those are teh only "real" moves I think a person can do. A lot of people think otherwise though, so you'll have to be careful.

  14. #34
    Artemis Jinn

    Re: Artemis Jinn's Training

    I'll remember that.

    Back IC:
    I was wondering, are you related to Obi-Wan Kenobi, or is it just a coincidence like my last name?

  15. #35
    Hart Kenobi

    Re: Artemis Jinn's Training

    Well, I'm writing a rp to that right now. It's going to turn out that I was meant to be a clone of Darth Maul sent to kill the real Hart Kenobi during the Clone Wars. But there was a malfunction in my growth as a clone and there were abnormalities in my brain. So I awoke not knowing who I was. But because I had the Hart Kenobi's information installed in me (so that it would be easier for me to hunt him down) I woke up from carbonation thinking I was the Jedi. I haven't discovered that yet ic though.

  16. #36
    Artemis Jinn

    Re: Artemis Jinn's Training

    Sounds like it will be interesting. I'm not sure what I want to do w/ Artemis, I'll probably just wait awhile before doing anything big.

  17. #37
    Hart Kenobi

    Re: Artemis Jinn's Training

    Sure, but I should just say that you sound like you're reasonable and logical about rping, which already makes you far better than 90% of the rpers around here.

  18. #38
    Artemis Jinn

    Re: Artemis Jinn's Training

    Thanks! Do you think it would be alright if I just posted a request for a sparr here, just to test Artemis's skils?Or do I need more training?

  19. #39
    Hart Kenobi

    Re: Artemis Jinn's Training

    Of course. I'd be interested in seeing that as well

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