OOC: There are a set of rules around here somewhere Grey Wolf I suggest you go and read them.

Saurron watches as the vampire hunters leave in there blackbird, then focuses on the one true threat here aside from Leia...the now Jedi Master Reaper Fett.

<a href=http://members.aol.com/drakla/lightsaber1.wav>Igniting</a> his light saber Saurron calls to Reaper as he hides inside his force bubble.

Come out of there Reaper Fett Saurron growls...
No one will interfere Nods to Mockadane... Making sure the Vampire hunters, have left Mockadane backs up to the shuttle and observes from there.

Saurron cautiously approaches Reaper, the red glow of his saber illuminating his face in the night....