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Thread: Ressurrection of an old, beloved, and sick game.

  1. #21

    "He's no use to me dead (in bed)"

    "This is my apprentice, Darth Maul (in bed"

    "Qui-Gons defiance I sense in you. That you need not (in bed)"

    Now a whole exert

    "He doesn't like you (in bed)"
    "I'm sorry"
    "I dont like you (in bed)"
    "Im sorry"
    "You'll be dead"
    "This little one isn't worth it (in bed)"

  2. #22
    General Ceel

    "We will watch your Career in with great interest" in bed

  3. #23

    "I don't need this to remember you by (in bed)"

  4. #24
    Calhemia Cutta

    "she's beautiful" in bed.

    Boys, do not use this as a pick-up line. I promise you, it will not work.

  5. #25
    General Scorpion

    Now you tell me..

  6. #26
    Calhemia Cutta


  7. #27
    General Ceel

    "i lost everything" in bed

    "If you gamble" in bed "eventually you lose

    "mesa called jar jar binks mesa your humble servant" in bed

    "not this ship sister, i've made my own special modifacations" in bed

    "the princess expressed her true feelings for me" in bed

    "i don't care what you smell" in bed

    "that little droid did it" in bed

  8. #28
    General Scorpion

    I had the whole thing planned out too...

  9. #29
    Calhemia Cutta

    "For luck" In bed.

  10. #30
    General Scorpion

    "She may not look like much, but she's got it where it counts" .. in bed..

    I'm just full of things like this tonight..

  11. #31
    General Ceel

    "What will happen to me now" in bed

    "I want droidekas" in bed " at once"

  12. #32
    Bounty Hunter Dreyas

    "Senator Papatine...your our only hope" in bed

  13. #33
    Calhemia Cutta

    "I care for you, too" in bed.

  14. #34
    General Ceel

    "I sense a disturbance in" the bed

  15. #35
    Darth Havok

    "Trust your feelings" bed

    "Strike me down, and I will become more powerful than you could possible imagine" bed

  16. #36
    Calhemia Cutta

    "Join me." in bed.

  17. #37
    General Ceel

    "What, what did you say" in bed

    "you truly belong among us" in bed

    "Roger, Roger" in bed

    "No reward is worth this" in bed

    "get clear biggs, you can't do any good back there" in bed

  18. #38
    Darth Dyzm

    Luke:"I'm hit, but not bad" (in bed)

    Wedge:"I'm Hit! I can't Stay with You!" (in bed)
    "Get Clear Wedge. You cant do any more good back there" (in bed)

    Luke:"Artoo, try and increase the power"(in bed)

    C3PO:"Artoo, dont leave me(in bed)Ohhh!"

    Leia: I hope You know what you're doing.(in bed)
    Han: Yeah, Me too

    Luke:He told me enough! He told me you killed him(in bed)
    Vader:No. I am your Father(in bed)

  19. #39
    General Ceel

    "I have a bad feeling about this" in bed

  20. #40
    Darth Havok

    "Feel the power of the Dark side" in(my)bed

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