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Thread: Battle IV: The Fight of Choice

  1. #21
    Master Mayer

    ::Gets a signal from Dreyas::
    "Yes? Battle? I will be there!"
    ::Gets in his gunship and flies away in the drenching rain::

  2. #22
    General Scorpion

    *The shuttle ramp lowers with a snap-hiss.. Almost like a lightsaber.. A cloaked figure steps out onto the platform..*

  3. #23
    Itala Marzullo

    *passes by with his Infiltrator and dumps tons upon tons of Gungan Droppings on the jedi*
    Talk about Icky Icky Goo...

  4. #24
    Bounty Hunter Dreyas

    Hm...i think Scorp wants to fight! Better do something about that rain!
    ::Walks over to the control pad::
    ::Pushes a button::
    ::The eviourment sheild covers the entire city except for a port below the city::
    That should take care of that
    ::The entire area turns darker, very darker::
    Hmm...I don't know about that one!

  5. #25
    Bounty Hunter Dreyas

    Okay...that was just wrong!

  6. #26
    Bounty Hunter Dreyas

    ::Picks up a control pad::
    ::The area's sheild disappears as the darkness prevails::
    Hm...Forget it!!!
    ::Throws down the pad and stomps on it::
    Uh..You can wash that off in the rain's not acidy any more.

  7. #27
    Bounty Hunter Dreyas

    Dang it! Where did everyone go?

  8. #28
    General Scorpion

    *Notices the small amount of activity in this city..*

  9. #29
    Grand Adm Thrawn

    ::Thrawns personal shuttle lands on docking platform 4-b, Thrawn Stands By the Leave his shuttle::

  10. #30
    Bounty Hunter Dreyas

    I'll bet 1000 credits on the guy in that black! Nasty Italia! You should have stayed in the shadows! Now I know why no one likes you! LOL!

  11. #31

    ::Fett continues to wait, and notices the lights going on and off

  12. #32
    Bounty Hunter Dreyas

    General...remove your sig
    Thrawn...You have entered a rainy, dark cloud city. Have a nice day!

  13. #33
    Master Yoghurt

    ::A small green figure faces Scorpion.. "I will defend myself and save the galaxy from disaster and thyranny from the Sith.."::

    ::ignites saber::

  14. #34
    General Scorpion

    *Scorpion's gaze rests on Yoghurt as he reaches under his cloak..*

  15. #35
    Bounty Hunter Dreyas

    Alright! A fight! FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT! Man, I'm pumped!

  16. #36
    Grand Adm Thrawn

    ::thrawn leaves his shuttle and enters the city looking for allys and enemys::

  17. #37
    Bounty Hunter Dreyas

    ::Walks over to Reaper::
    You can do something other than pace?!
    ::Paces back and forth toward of the fight::

  18. #38

    ::Fett senses a presense near by. He ignites his saber, and begins to twirl it round::

  19. #39
    Master Yoghurt

    ::Yog looks at Scorpion calmly.. assumes a defensive stance.. twirls LS a few times for warning..::

  20. #40
    Bounty Hunter Dreyas

    ::Follows Reaper's lead::
    ::Ignites his ::
    ::Twirls around the lightsaber::
    ::Slices into a tree::
    Whoops...I still need some practice with that

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