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Thread: about blowing up the DS

  1. #61

    right now MY ATTACK TIME!

    1. Bad things have happened to other groups. They sighed, shrugged their shoulders and GOT ON WITH IT!!

    2. I dont think the ship rules are fair. Why does noone listen to that? Because I dont have 6 people to back me up

    3. Many have respect here Izzard. Thrawns is low due to Thrawngate which some people brought up, but I dont give a monkeys about that. I only disrespect three kinds of people here: The offensive, the whiners, and the people who whine on and on and on and on about respect

    You know what I think is the problem? RULES! WHy cant we go back to the good old days, when everything was fun and freeform? I enjoyed it here then

    OK, rant over. FLAME!

  2. #62

    OOC: I don't really know what the shipbuilding rules are, someone post the rules to them please. This is the second time I'm asking, and it's the last time. Next time it will be every owner of a shipyard post the rules they follow.

  3. #63

    Firebird, your poll has a problem. WHat about a not destroyed, heavily damaged' choice

    anyway, who cares? They will whine 'its not fair' it wont count, life goes on, less fun happens, more Death Stars appear, two fight, neither can die due to the whine shield, everyone gets Death Stars, everyone gets bored.

    Geez, I am miserable nowadays

  4. #64

    . And have No one post in it so it would be 100% unbiased.
    Odds are though that it will still be biased because people will be voting with a 'How will this effect MY group' idea in the back of their heads. But a poll is still a good idea.

    ReaperFett - yes bad things have happened to to other groups, but I don't recall any other group losing a Death Star which they have spent the last couple of months trying to build in circumstances which do not appear to have been exactly fair.

    Firebird - there was a thread about all the rules from a few days ago. You might want to backtrack the lst few pages and find it. It was titled something like 'Are these the final ship rules?' or something similar.

  5. #65
    Darth Eve

    Okay heres a few ideas:

    I don't know if there are this many people here, but maybe when making a rule, you must have at least 51 people vote in a weeks time, by means of a poll. And then you can do majority rule. Which means, that once you get 26 votes in favor of something, it becomes an accepted rule. And HOPE that people are honorable and vote with ONE of their nics.

    Such proposed rules might be:

    - Should people get to respond to attacks on their organization, family, fleets, blah blah?

    - Just as in killing someone (unless your opponent agrees to be killed, you can't kill them - and someone needs to set this in stone even), should an attack only be valid if the attacked get ample opportunity to respond? Criteria for that?

    - Ship building rules (proposed in another thread)? Times? Shipyards, etc?

    I dunno, more I can't think of. This way, say if someone posts them on a site and respectively at the top of this forum, and I mean majority rule, fairly voted rules, then we don't have these problems. If the majority vote for something you all don't like, you don't have to participate. I mean thats the nature of voting. What do you think?

  6. #66

    Just to clear one thing here, this has nothing to do with Thrawn's issues with LW. The attack was planned over two weeks ago.

    And like Reaper said, rules here are a big no. Shipyards rule I like coz they prevent God mode, but more than that I wont abide. The lack of rules has been Swfans RPG trademark for the year and some more of it's existence, the way I see it rules restrict us and challenge our freedom.

    and like Issane said this is the internet, why be clobbered with more rules here then?

    And yes Atreyu, on the past we complained about TSC doing the same thing to us, but it was done anyway. And no one whined after it was over.

    Times have changed on the BG and I think it's for the best, as long as it's a hit and fade operation I don't see why we cannot do it. I would have agreed with you if we had tried to take over the DS and use it for our own purposes...but we dindn't. We went in and out. There were no contradictions in the attack and the way we got in went perfectly with the storyline. I don't see why all this non sense.

    If the admins decide that the DS is still here, well we wont accept any attacks made by it.

  7. #67

    JB I think you missed my point. Yes the Jedi in the end accepted it, but they weren't particularly happy about it. I find it ironic now that the Jedi are practically doing the same thing with no second thoughts.

    And I think those that are opposed to more rules are getting worked up over nothing. The only rule I'm seeing getting considered is a simple 'give opponent time to respond in any roleplay' rule, which has practically been in existence since Day 1, and SHOULD have been used here, but interestingly enough just happened to be ignored.

  8. #68
    Darth Eve

    No rules? Well for the type of "society" you all set here in the fantasy world, I think history can tell you that's a fatal error. Mark my words, more and more problems will arise if set chaos as your definite. But be my guest, since you can't see it now, maybe you will later...

    And if you say no rules, then you also can not advocate that you destroyed the Death Star, using no evidence, cause it can not suit your claim. No rules, no claims.

    What happens now, is that you have people unwilling to play storylines together, with no accepted criteria for battle. This is what destroyed the chats roleplaying, but maybe you think it won't occur here. I mean the present situation certainly doesn't call for it does it?

    We're not talking about a constitution or declaration, just some simple rules so that we can all play nice.

  9. #69

    Like we've said a 4 times now (DT, Reaper and me). BAd things happen and you aren't happy but what can you do? Retaliate like hell.

    TIE destroyed our temple a long time ago in a rpg thread that would be impossible to achieve now. We were fewer members and comrady between all groups was high.

    But times have changed, and because of the humongous amount of forums, groups, rivalries RPG has moved to this sort of thing and tactics are becoming more complex every day. That's my view on things right now.

  10. #70

    Eve, when I first came ther ewere no real rules. Everyone was happy. Everyone played nice

    OLDER RPERS! Remember the person who came here criticising how we RPed here and suggested some rules? And how we mocked that person. Well, if he came again, I get the feeling people would agree with him. A worrying thought...

  11. #71

    ahhh, the Jedi council thread, the fun of a 10 on me and Obi-Wan build up. The way hundreds appeared for either side. The way everyone was freestyling. THe way ezboard shut it. How I miss you so much...

  12. #72
    Darth Eve

    You gave no time to retaliate.

    Just because you didn't find grievance when your temple was destroyed, doesn't mean others don't get mad when their things are destroyed. You didn't whine... SO WHAT, TIE is. There is no rule saying you can't whine because you didn't. No rule saying it IS RIGHT to destroy something in this fashion. Again, no rules, no claims.

    And things being so complex is more reason to make this rule. Soon more groups, and more ways of doing things. But no rules, no claims.

    No rules, means that TIE doesn't have to acknowledge your destruction of the DS anymore than you have to acknowledge that its legal to not be able to reply. There is no rule stating as so. No rules, no claims. Are we understanding yet?

  13. #73


    It has gotten big since that thread.

    As for the pole, I'd like to leave it open for 24 hours to see the reaction of people. And with all due respect to the Admin, what can you do if they say yes? Right now I don't need an admin breathing down my back telling me this is a stupid idea. A lot of bad things have been happening since Sunday in this forum, excuse me for trying to help and solve a problem.

  14. #74

    Remember the person who came here criticising how we RPed here and suggested some rules?
    Yes I remember. And I remember opposing his rules. He suggested enouygh rules to fill a book and that had little to do with what we did here.

    Here we are suggesting a simple rule which has on the whole already being in use for over a year but since it isn't official people do tend to ignore it.

    Your point Reaper?

    Remember back in the 'good old days' rules were still there, but we didn't call them rules, we called it 'the right way to do things'. We now call them rules because some of the newer roleplayers refused to accept any 'right way of doing things' unless it was firmly established as a rule. So they were written down and established. This is what is ahppening here - the 'right way of doing something' isn't been accepted simply because it ain't written down. All some poeple are asking for is for it to be written down.

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