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Thread: about blowing up the DS

  1. #1
    Grand Adm Thrawn

    about blowing up the DS

    since you did it with out even allowing the imperials to reply it should be classifed as just a good story and not part of the RPG

    in RPG threads you should oly post 3 times a day per person... 6 months of work cant be wiped out in 1 day

  2. #2
    Jedi Knight Leia Solo

    That's not right Thrawn. I understand 6 months of work is long but..the Death Star can be blown up in one day...look at ANH and ROTJ! The Imperials could of replied, why didn't they.

  3. #3
    Darth Turbogeek

    There were Imperials online. They even posted here.

    I remember very well a single post that screwed up a weeks worth of defense work. It happens. One carefully worded post in the Dark Axis thread wiped out Cloud City.

    We lost the Jedi Council to one - ONE!- move. A EMP bomb. And the other rules you allude to? Dont exist.

    As far as I see it was legitimate.

  4. #4
    Grand Adm Thrawn

    back when the imperials attacked the jedi council there were many rpg rules, people could die.. DBz's culd have powers when ysaslamiri wwere around. no one had rules on fleets ust the basics that the imperiales set ectect

    but now adays if it is good rpg then lets have some interaction, one imperial posted and he already defected by then

    if you want to blow up the DS do it in a rule set thread like how the DS was build, 3 posts per person per day this is fair.. you guys posted 100 posts before i was even online! and you expect me to just go with it? you didnt even post a link to the battle at the imperial board.. you didnt set any rules strting it was a rpg thread.. the thread can easyly be tooken as a story rather then a part of the RPG storylines

  5. #5
    Sniper Tondry


    My question to ya:

    What the heck d'you need a Death Star for? I mean, when you torch a planet, it's gone. Poof. Doesn't magically reappear. Only benefit at all would be in capital ship fights, but even then the Death Star is limited in what it can do, especially if the battle fleets get mixed up really well.

    In the end, it seems to me that having a Death Star is like painting a giant target on your butt and holding up a huge neon arrow, anyway. So what good is it?

  6. #6
    Grand Adm Thrawn

    Re: Hrmz.

    this DS isnt for battle it is for cloneing, 3 billion cloneing tanks are on board and the cloneing tanks cloned an army to take coruscant

    but it really has no use now enless the imperials want to take over another really importent world

    i have no ploblem with loseing this DS i never use it but if you do make a thread to blow it up i would like to take part in t at least for gods sake, and not have it all done in less then 12 hours

  7. #7
    Darth Turbogeek


    Legion got it's shipyards belted

    TSC got it's fleet stolen

    TSE lost it's base

    TSC was ambushed

    in similar manner, by different groups, I believe it was valid.

  8. #8
    Rama Sha

    Yep.......Blew up our whole HQ in like two days.

  9. #9
    Grand Adm Thrawn

    TSC fleet being stolen isyet to be seen .. the imperials were going to attack banes base and wipe out his remote control system but it looks like bane went into hideing again

    and as for the legion stuff was that done at (mist that thread)

    TSE base attack was vailid it didnt all happen in one day it happened over weeks

    and TSE did fight back yes?

    and TSE attack did have rules that you may only post 3 times a day all good RPGs should have this rule

    if you want to make a RPG set rules and allow for people to reply dont do it all in less then 12 hours... i still need to read the thread

  10. #10
    Grand Adm Thrawn

    Rama you guys blew up your own HQ.. and you had more then enough time to tell AXIS to let them fry then delete the post a few days laer and blow up the HQ

    and im talking about the first AXIS not the Dark Axis there is now

  11. #11
    Darth Turbogeek

    1) TSC fleet was nicked by Scorpion and Ackbar - Actually could have been destroyed

    2) Legion got done in here. I think the thread is now archived.

    It wasn't against the rules nor was it unprecedented.

  12. #12
    Rama Sha

    and TSE attack did have rules that you may only post 3 times a day all good RPGs should have this rule there wasn't. There were no such rules and I have never heard of that being the stanard. In fact I think one day I posted like 8 times in that thread.

  13. #13
    Keticus Limelight

    jesus,too much argueing. way too much for my tastes...but ill just sit back and watch what happens in this thread...
    oi,too much argueing,not enough roleplay...

  14. #14
    Grand Adm Thrawn

    for ramas weak memory i went back to the attack on TSE and here were the stated rules

    1. No killing or dismemberment.
    2. Force based powers take presedense.
    3. Equipment, ships and weapons should be related to or similar to what is found in the SW movies or EU literature. A good deal of creative freedom and but not to be used to an unfair advantage.
    4. Actions which is considered "God Mode" may be ignored. Example: Defeating your opponent in one post or posting actions that can be categorised as unrealistic or highly unprobable.
    5. 1-3 posts per character is allowed per day, depending on the response time of opponent (you should allways give opponent time to react).
    6. Signatures should be used for the first post of each character, and then disabled for the rest of the roleplay to allow fast loading.


    what you guys did was like this

    you make a challange thread to fight someone then you make 10 posts killing the person before the person can even see the challange

    sorry but this is not RPG it is just a good story

    you see a flaw in my logic?

  15. #15
    Darth Red XII

    I gotta say the man has a point.
    I cant just blow GJO in 1 hour.

  16. #16
    Darth Turbogeek

    1) There were Imperials online at the time. They even posted at

    2) As I have pointed out, there is three prior events where similar attacks have occured. There were discussions on these, but it was seen that the attacks were so overwhelming, resistance would have counted for little. I think that is what would have been the case here.

    3) There are no rules for RPG as you state. Those "rules" applied for one thread. Maybe this is flaw and should be looked into.

    4) This was no opportunity attack. It was organised for three weeks ago and it was Thrawn himself who gave us the opportunity to spring the trap. The fact is, we made sure the result would have been the same.

    There may be places where you could say "but! but!", I dont think it would have changed the result.

  17. #17
    Grand Adm Thrawn

    1.) who were the imperial that were on?

    2.) you think just because you beat someone with out them even knowing they are fighting means that if they did know they were fightning they would have lost?

    3.) for the imperials it is a rule for any and all RPG Wars to alow time for the openet to fight back... why do you think i had to make three parts to the Ds building... i could of finished it in one but i kept waiting for the jedi to fight.. they never did.... now months after it is finished you just folld post for 3 hours and expect that to be RPG sorry no, if you want a REAL rpg where both partys interact then you can hae a shot at the DS this was just BS

    4.) huh? then thats just not RPG its a story already planed out


    There may be places where you could say "but! but!", I dont think it would have changed the result.


    if so then give the imperials a chance to fight back if you have no dought that you will come out with victory...

    i have lead the imperials for a year now and not one group here have beat them.. so you come up with an idea how to beat them.. by not fighting them and steping around them by strting then finishing a attack in 3 hours

    thats just BS TD and i would expect better from you, if your going to make an attack i would at least like to be able to fight back rather then you just saying nnope sorry we atacked you and beat you, not our prolem you werent here for those 3 hours but hey it woldnt make a diference cuz we say so

    the thread was a intersting read but not rpg, it should be something for dark fury not RPG

  18. #18
    Darth Turbogeek

    1) Admiral Talas. Have a look at the time stamps in the threaad where Darth Grendell was having a go at you. Why did they not notice?

    2) I'm only saying what has happened in the past. The fact is, STC had its fleet wiped out in similar manner. Again, done by surprise and with speed. The same with Legion's fleet. I also remember that before TSE could respond, GJO had their base already in a lot of trouble, probably in a unwinnible position. I think Rama self destructed it to stop it falling into GJO hands. What happened today has precedent in the past. If I remember correctly, one post wiped out the Jedi Temple, ruining a lot of work the Jedi had put in to defend the Temple. I suggest if LFB had not done that EMP trick, we would probably still be fighting there. I also see that Dark Axis got into a tangle with one totally unexpected post when they invaded Bespin. My point is, surprises happen and sometimes we cant do a thing about them. All you can do is sit back and go "oh crap...". It's not the first time and I know well it wont be the last. I' very sure soomer or later somene will come up with something that will make me spit chips again, but in the end, it's legal and I cant do a thing about it.

    3) Maybe.

    4) No. The attack was planned out, with likely senarios mapped and endpoints, like a military operation. The first post I wrote as background to give some credence to a) how we found out where the DS was b) how to get on c) Who was with us d) what we had with us and e) A way we were going to do it.


    I have noticed a change in RPG in the last few weeks. I have noted surprise attacks happen, the target gets a pounding for a few hours and the attacker fades away. I'm seeing the way things are being done is changing, from the challenges to RPG, now to what is developing into a tactical war. Right now we are seeing planets taken over, ship building, armies and such and some of the attacks are becoming more sophisicated. And the new surprise hit and fade are appearing, like today. It's not the first, and it's not going to be last.

    Maybe it's not a direction we as a group want to go in, maybe we need discussion. I'm willing to open it up to logical and calm talks. Maybe others would say "Hey it's cool!". Dont know.

    So, to summarise... 1) it was legal b) It's happened before c) Okay, we should discuss this and firm up playing rules if people wish. I'm not agaisnt sudden hits like the DS hit, I know it could be done to me in return. I'd scream and howl, but in the end, I'ld have to accept it's legit.... If we dont want it that way, I guess speak now.

    State your opinions on this matter players. Is there a problem here, does it need fixing? How?

  19. #19
    Dark Side Adept 327

    That attack was illegal, because no one from the interstellar empire replied. It was just a one-sided conversation. Some people may not like it, but we still have a Death Star, with a sizable fleet defending it just in case of any surprise 'attacks' like this one.

  20. #20

    The attack isn't illegal, you all had members here posting (even though he is an insane maniac) so why didn't he sound a rallying cry or something like that? HUMMMM!!!

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