*The doors of the TSO Palace burst open. Garrett felth and Gav Mortis exit the building carrying one of Garrett Blade's pet Tuk'ata's. Behind them, Banestone and Dyzm carry the other. Behind them follw Live Wire and her apprentice Lady DeVille. The group board Garrett Felth's shuttle and place the Blade's pets in the safety of a forcefield. Felth takes a seat in the command cabin, Gav joins him in the co-pilot seat. Felth keys in the pre-set flight program, and the ship sets off.*

*Soon, the shuttle has left the planets atmosphere - and docks with Garrett Felths capital ship - The Vindictus - an old but more than capable Republic Dauntless Cruiser. Soon, the tuk'ata's are sealed in carbonite ready for their trip. The group are escorted to the bridge, and are all set to leave.*

Garrett Felth: All crews standby for hyperspace on my mark."

Gav Mortis: "Just one thing before we leave...where exactly are we going?? And what does this all have to do with Garrett and his pet tuk'ata's??"

Garrett: "I'll explain very soon. Lets just get going...I'll brief you all in my room. We're off to Balmorra"

*And with that...the Vindictus jumps into hyperspace towards Balmorra...*