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Thread: Marzullo's Return (rpg)

  1. #1
    Itala Marzullo

    Marzullo's Return (rpg)

    OOC: I beg you to kill the sigs..or use them just once...


    [i]The now known as a veteran Sith, who has been through everything now lands on Coruscant secretly..he finds himself somehow refreshed, but still tired from his last experience. Crushed and no longer able to "love" again, his friends now his enemies. How could this man dare to return? There is nothing left for him in this place...BUT..nobody said anything about the rest of the galaxy...Itala takes out a book full of names. Names he did research on during his absence, names which could mean Itala's last hope for revenge and dominance, it is nearly impossible. Just about everyone has something against him, and for good reasons too. Itala no longer cares about the cause..his goals as a Sith, he now is looking for power and revenge.

    Itala closes the book and starts walking around the streets of Coruscant, spotting a few familiar faces not too far from where he stands..he breathes in worried..but not scared. He has to begin again.

    Itala is looking for his siter, who was kidnapped by The Lounge Lizard, he needs her to complete his new goal, a goal which he plans to reveal a the right time, there will be no more mercy. Itala pulls down his hood and uses the force to call for him..his worst enemy...The Lounge Lizard...[i]

  2. #2
    The Lounge Lizard

    OOC: Got a COBOL test in 20 minutes, and about 12 different errands to run (not the least of which is driving to Birmingham, over an hour away), but I'll definitely participate in this when I get done. I've been meaning to resolve this for a while, anyways.

  3. #3
    Itala Marzullo

    OOC: Good enough....

  4. #4
    Darth Roul

    ::walks up to Itala welcome back. I would love to fight you but I have sadly died by the hands of an unknown assailin::

  5. #5
    Itala Marzullo

    "Good for me...less work to do in the future..."

  6. #6
    Darth Roul

    It was my final post IC but I am still with TSO in spirit.

  7. #7
    Itala Marzullo

    That's alright with me... :evil:

  8. #8
    Darth Roul

    I am an informer and also with you in spirit

  9. #9
    Itala Marzullo

    Maybe you don't understand, I want nothing to do with you, and if you were still alive, I'd kill you faster than you can say something stupid. In your best day you couldn't lick my boots KID.

  10. #10
    Darth Roul

    you were the one who brought me here and I accpet that so I will stay wit you forever and you cant do jack poo about it.

  11. #11
    Itala Marzullo

    Hmm...a slave ghost eh? What use could I possibly have for you? hmm...

    Rubs chin...

  12. #12
    Darth Roul

    burn in hell

  13. #13
    Itala Marzullo


    Itala continues walking..sensing ohter enemies...he enters the Senate and walks through the long hallways looking for clues of the Lizard's location....

  14. #14
    Darth Roul

    ::walks up to Itala and hits him in the back of the head with a steel chair. flips him off and walks away. Itala lays on the gound::

  15. #15
    Itala Marzullo

    Sigh, GO AWAY Roul.

  16. #16
    Gav Mortis

    Walking through one of the larger streets in Imperial City, Gav navigates his way through the packed streets avoiding contact with anyone as he was tired. The conference in the Imperial Centre had been long and tiresome and he really was irritated by the whole thing as he hasn't seemed to have benefitted from the whole ordeal.

    If anyone says anything to me about ships or technology for the remainder of the day, they'll regret it

    He feels the suns intense heat beating down on him and his throat is dry and scratchy from the thin air filled with exhaust and waste from the cities countless transport systems.

    If i remember correctly...there should be a small bar down this side street

    Gav continues thinking to himself as he enters a small sidestreet and sighs with relief as the shadow of the tall buildings fall on him, and he begins to feel more relaxed and he will be even more satisfied once he has had a drink. He continues negotiating his way through the masses, heading towards a small bar at the far end of the narrow alley.

  17. #17
    Itala Marzullo

    Itala sips on a glass of wine as he waits for the lizard..his anger building slowly...his patience running out...

  18. #18
    Lord Gue

    Inside the Imperial Palace Emporer Gue rests at his command chair reviewing reports on recent going ons in the empire. rather suddenly a holoprojector shoots out an image into the center of the floor. The image is of a man walking into a building. a compuerized voice says "Intruder in the Senate quarters" Gue hits a btton and the alarm stops. His eyes squint a bit more before he he finaly smiles.

  19. #19
    Itala Marzullo

    Turns on comm. link

    You might as well show up now guys...I will use as much steath as possible but I am afraid I won't be able to handle this alone..for long...

    Itala waks out of the room he was waiting in and find himself right in the senate chamber..where al the pods are placed...he sees ts empty at these wee hours of the morning..he looks outside a windownd sees the sun coming out...a new day arrives..and Lizard is not here yet...

  20. #20
    Itala Marzullo

    Edit: oops Double Post

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