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Thread: Payback is a B****

  1. #41

    IC: In front of planetary sheild control.

    Fewd's distraction had cost him dearly. The two figures running away from the building and CAD's running damage report gave him enough to piece a picture together of what was going on.

    The planetary sheild was down. And the whole place was going to hell in three hours.

    *click* "CAD. Prep the 'Tea. I want to take the Bushwacker. See if you can prep our bulk freighter too. We are getting out of this swamp. Yes, I wanted to leave too but you have to agree the parting terms could have been nicer."

    Fewd threw the Bushwacker around twoards the hanger bay, and stomped inside. Except for a few articles of clothes, he wouldn't be leaving behind much.

    "Slave circuit ready CAD? Good. Fifteen minutes left, I'll see if anyone needs a ride. Its kind of a good thing no one is around."

  2. #42
    Anubis Lockheart

    Anubis turns left, as Ren turns to his right and Dyne heads straight forward towards the ground laser defences. He begins arming his torpedoes as he ventures into the unknown, dodging bits of floating debri as he makes his way forward. He talks to his Tie Razor.

    "Ok baby, just you and me now."

    As he says that his scanners detect something. He looks at his panel trying to make sense of it. He conacts Dyne.

    "Aplha 1 this is Alpha 3 I'm picking up something... only small. Might be 2 or 3 laser cannons. I'm taking them out."

    Dyne:"Roger that Anubis, but watch your ass out there, I want you and the Razor back in one piece!"

    " fun!" He jokes. "Don't worry Dyne, I'll have her back in no time."

    He sets his front shields to max, as he gets a visual on one of the laser cannons.

    "Computer get me a lock, I'm going down."

    The cannon fires at Anubis, very narrowly missing the hull. He manouvres around in the air, firing his own cannons when he can at every oppurtunity. The computer beeps a familiar beep as his torpedoes are locked on. He launches the torpedoes and pulls away at the last minute, with afterburners on to get away from the blast.

    "One down.."

  3. #43

    *With the shields down, Firebird1 pilots his ship into the atmosphere. One of the planet's turbolazers attempted to lock on and fire, but before they could they were hit by a concusson missle, fired by Firebird1. After this brief attack Firebird1 opens an encripted comm channel to Darth Renegade and Sith Summoner.*
    I am going to attack the hanger bay and stop any ships leaving.

  4. #44

    Fewd threw his last bit of belongings into the White Rhino Tea and "lit the fires." He felt like a bit of a bastard, but damned if anyone was going to touch his slicing equipment. Too much important information saved.

    No, he was going to get out, and he was going to get out now. The Bushwacker was safe in it's slave circuited frieghter (To the Tea).

    The YT-2400 and the bulk freighter left the hangar like cats scared by firecrackers.

  5. #45
    Fire Hazzard

    *a small X-Wing slips almost un-noticed out of the hangar bay, but is shot at and hit a few times just before entering hyperspace*

  6. #46
    Rama Sha

    " Over the comm to Ogre, summs and Pahntom"

    No need to hurry back guys.......

    :: Rama checks the display screen as another x-wing goes down ::

    Thing are frosty here.

  7. #47
    Drin Kizael

    :: In the chaos of the Jedi Temple and Academy buildings, New Republic servicemen and Jedi alike scramble to their stations. Within moments, the ion cannons come on line and open fire. Soon after, the technicians in the command center cheer as the backup sheild generators are activated remotely.

    :: As rings form around the hologram of the planet, indicating shield power, one of the troops at a sensor console yells out, "We got a couple ships inside the shield, sir!"

    NR Commander: "Launch A-Wing Delta Fight to intercept and engage. Keep those hangars clear at all costs!"

    Outside the command center, the Jedi evacuation begins.

  8. #48
    Master Yoghurt

    OOC: Hi. Before you go landing troops on the planet, I should inform you of the basic defensive systems (I get a lot of questions about this).

    Planetary shields. Shield generator control room 2km under the surface. There are also backup generators that can be remote controlled. Planetary ion cannons and turbolasers, air defenses consisting of lasers and varios missile launcher systems. Very dense mine fields orbiting the planet allowing just one entrance point. The thick cloud layer surrounding the planet cannot be penetrated by standard sensors. This makes bombardment very inefective. The swampy terrain makes mass landing of troops suicidal.

    And now for some really bad news, DT is due to something that came up IRL unable to post for a very long time now , in addition JB has problems with his computer at home, dont know when he will be back either. Computer is not acting nice with me either, just lost an entire post by Ackbar which I will rewrite, but dont worry, I will post.

    Oh, another thing, there are large number of ships much closer than you might be thinking, as you will soon find out and there is more to the situation than it seems.

    Had to say all that not to keep you confused and in the dark. Ok, back to posting..

  9. #49
    Jedi Rebel X

    ::Rebel swiftly moves across the lower temple floors, placing mines on all key points of the superstructure. Meanwhile Liam is going across the other side of the massive building, also placing mines. They set mines to remote and lock them in::

    *Rebel pulls out a secured three way comm*

    Liam you almost done?

    .....Yeah........*Skrssh* Just a few more to *skrrsh* make sure *Bzzzzrsshhh* this will go right......

    *click* good good.

    Warren, you have my ship ready?

    .......*skrrsh* yeah, ready and willing, just waiting to go....

    *click* sounds good, but did you download all of JSO's data? Weapon plans, designs, etc...and place mines on the base?

    .....*skrrsh* Yes I got all the plans and things but....*skrrsh* I didn't blow up the base yet *skrrsh* in fear of being's set on remote though....*skrrsh* so whenever you're ready....

    *click* Copy that.

    ::They continue planting mines on the superstructure, minutes away from finishing::

  10. #50
    Jedi Knight Leia Solo

    **At the Defense Control booth Jedi Master Leia Solo and Jedi Knight Hart Kenobi are in charge of evacuation. Getting ready to send a transmission through out the Jedi Order on Dagobah. Leia announced to ground personnel to get all top secret documents, holocrons, weaponery, plans and make sure they are secured for departure**

    "This is Jedi Master Leia Solo....I want all Jedi and NR Personnel to head to transports immediately. This is an Evacuation and NOT a Drill. I repeat all Jedi and NR Personnel are to evacuate and board the transports. I want all available Pilots to man their ships and to guard and protect our transports Immediately."

    OOC: edited for Leeloo Mina post: I did not have choices. Do as you must Leeloo.

  11. #51
    Sith Summoner

    **Everything had been going perfectly. No mistakes little opposition. Sums knew it was to good to be true and a couple minutes later he was proven correct. The bridge of The Nuriko flew into chaos as the Dagobah planetary shield came back online, and planetary based Ion and Laser cannons started firing up towards them.**

    @#%$, i knew it was too easy. Comm notify the fleets I want everything we have other than the superlasers fireing at that sheild.

    **Sums knew that they must be on back up generators now. They couldn't hold up very long under the combined onslaught of the forces he had at his command.

    Soon the sky was filled with bright flashes as laser and ion bolts impacted the planetary sheilds. It wouldn't be long now before he could order the beginning of the ground assault.**

    Time Index: V-Hour minus 2:30

  12. #52
    Figrin D an

    Amidst the chaos surrounding him, the ground shaking violently, the scream and crackle of laser fire heard outside of the main complex, the Jedi Master walks calmly down the main corridor towards the hanger bay where is custom star crusier awaits him. Already prepared for flight via remote control, the ship's engines whine with a constrained power. The Jedi strides towards the boarding ramp, only to pause and look out of the hanger bay. Fighters streak across the sky, avoiding the massive laser blasts from the ground defense systems. A sea of brilliant colored weapons fire blankets the sky above the hanger...

    A veteran of many deadly battles and conflicts, the Jedi can only shake his head and know all too well the long road ahead...

    The ramp closes and the Azure Starfire lifts off and exits the hanger, climbing into the heavens above the planet...

  13. #53
    Kat Kariena

    Kat ran down the hallway a bag slung over her shoulder, what few belongings she had in it. She always kept her ship on stand-by so there wasn't much prep work to do, put the ship through it's pre-flight check and wait for everyone to get off planet.

  14. #54
    Drin Kizael

    "Alright sentients ... MOVE MOVE MOVE!"

    Within 20 minutes, the transports were loaded and locked down. Every scrap of technology and info that wasn't bolted down -and some that was- shared the cargo hold with scores of NR servicemen, Jedi and padawans.

    "The shield's giving!"

    The air outside the temple was lit up brighter than Coruscant with blaster fire and concussion missiles as A-Wings weaved among TIE Razors. Half the flight was taken out by the advanced fighters, but they managed to keep the exit path from the hangar clear.

    "Sir ... the fastest escape vector is charted. They can make hyperspace if they can clear that ImpStar Duece."

    :: The transports blasted out of the temple, as much power to the engines as they could eek out and still keep their shields charged. With a flash from the heavens visible even through the cloud cover, the planetary shield came down under the barrage of turbolaser fire.

    :: The ion cannons answered in kind.

    :: Azure lightning spat through the upper atmosphere, pelting the Summoner IV and scattering the skirmish line of smaller ships before it. The remaining X and Y-Wings supporting the GJO base broke through soon after, engaging the enemy in the immediate area.

    :: The loudspeaker in the base echoed over the heads of the remaining techs as they bolted for their ship. "The first transport is away. The first transport is away!"

    :: Over the planet, the second transport carrying Jedi and crew followed in its wake, with the surviving A-Wings flying cover. They slid right through the pocket created by the ion cannon and fighter cover, reaching empty space in minutes.

    :: With a flash of pseudo-acceleration, the transports hit hyperspace.

  15. #55
    Kaine Darklighter

    Kaine and Dlayer rush down the halls of the Living Quarters, taking a little of there personal belongings. They take a quick right, then run out into the hanger. Kaine comes out first, with Dlayer not to far behind. He see's that most of the Jedi's have left, and he runs over to Kat's ship.
    "I think we can get outta here now, Nearly everyone's gone." He says to Kat, while walking up the ramp of her ship.

  16. #56
    Jedi Rebel X

    ::Rebel and Liam finished their job minutes after the transports had left::

    *meets up with liam in the entrance to the temple*

    We have to go, now!

    Liam: Let's do this.

    ::They make their way to the area where Warren was waiting, as explosions blasted through the air above them. The shield was breaking, and ships were falling everywhere. As they went past some trees into a clearing an x wing crashed right by them, exploding on impact, sending debri around::


    *they barely dive in time to miss some shrapnel and get back up*

    *They make it onto the ship and take off, flying out the same way the transports did. Ion cannon bursts are sent flying around them as they squeeze through burst fire from the enemy*

    *Rebel pushes the mines remote button and he looks out the side window to see Temple Avalon's lower levels blow up with a large wave of fire and debri. The temple caves in on itself, leaving nothing but a junkyard left of it. Also, Rebel pushes another button triggering JSO's base to explode*

    ::A nearby enemy ship explodes as they fly by, and they jump into hyperspace as some nearby ships explode in a brilliance of light::

    This has been a bad day, for all of us.

  17. #57
    Sith Summoner

    **A huge grin covered Sums' face. The shields were back down, and this time it look like they were down for good. He was about to start shouting orders when a young ensign ran up to him with a message from the tactical station.**

    "Sir." **Sums turns his head and acknowledges the officer** "As you know the shields are back down. Unfortunately they did not fall soon enough. The Jedi and New Republic forces have escaped the system sir."


    "Yes sir, one of their Ion Cannons knocked the ISD2 Summoner 4. Well, they slipped through the hole that it left and escaped into hyperspace"

    Damn it. Find out how long till she's operational again.

    "Yes sir" **The officer turned on his heals and walked back to his station, as Sums headed for the comm. station**

    Comm. send a message to Bromine:

    Planet evacuated, permission requested to begin the ground operations 2 hours in advance of schedule.

    **The message left The Nuriko headed for Ogre aboard Bromine. All Sums could do was wait. This wasn't his mission, and he needed permission on this one.**

    Time Index: V-hour minus 2:10

    OOC: Just so noone brings it up. I gave permission for the ImpStar Duce Summoner 4 to be put out of action.

  18. #58
    Kat Kariena

    Kat nodded as they ran up the ramp. Daniel and Callista had already boarded.

    "I'm gone."

    Kat's ship started to lift in the air and took off. Once out of the gravity of the planet Kat sent the ship into hyperspace.

  19. #59
    Leeloo Mina

    ::Leeloo watched the rest of the jedi get ready to evac and she simply stood there for a few moments then went to tell her friends good bye. She kewn the didnt understand why she was doing this and she couldnt really explain it to them. she wasnt even sure of her dicision to stay yet she knew Liam whouldnt like it...hed most likly force her on aship so she planed to have someone else tell him:

    OOC: Thank you leia.

  20. #60

    **Near the asteroid field of Dagobah**

    4 long rows with cargo containers glided silently into the void of space.. two tow ship leaded the procession. As the escorting C-wings engaged their hyperdrive, the sight of the bulk cargo blured out, fading into hyperspace with a roar.

    An armada of <a href=>ships</a> formed up in delta wing procession floated in darkness of space. On the bridge of the flagship SMC-150 Freedom, a young officer reported to Admiral Ackbar with a distressed look on his face.

    "The cargo is on its way, sire. That was the last one. We have succesfully completed primary task. The cargo will rendezvous with Yog's and DT's strike force. They are escorted by fighters, ordered to maintain complete radio silence."

    "Are we detected yet?"

    "No, sire. We remain safely undetected from any sensors scanning from vector 3F, cloaked by the screen of asteroids at sector 54. However, the current events at Dagobah demands our attention..."

    "Set course for Sith Empire fleet."

    "Aye sir.."

    The Main Fleet distanced from the asteroids, engaging their subspace engines as they started the approach to Dagobah..

    ***10 minutes later***

    Red *blips* started to appear on radarscreens as Main Fleet tracked TSE targets with active sensors, loading data into attack computers..

    [Edited the link]

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