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Thread: Twisted Justice -20 years in the Future-(Open RPG)

  1. #1
    verse dawnstrider

    Twisted Justice -20 years in the Future-(Open RPG)

    OOC: I know many of you were Fans of my New Dawn RPG. It was a new style of SW roleplaying based on a alternet future. It was fiction that took a what if turn. It shoulded many things of a would be future. This one will take a look at one of the many different forms the Future may hold........


    ::Verse walks through the shadows of Imperal City. He had a job to do. A big one. He couldn't afford to be caught now. For 20 years he has faught the Imperals. He, his twin, and his son. Ever sence the Imperial's destroied the New Republic the tried thier hardest to erase the biggest threat they had. Force-sensitive people. Every known Jedi and Sith had been killed or have a bounty on thier head. Not a small sum ether. A very large sum. The stronger the Jedi, the bigger the bounty. Verse had a very large sum of money stamped to his name. Things like what he is about to do got him that. Verse made his way to the prison wards. Many Force trained people were held here. He just had to wait till the security.....

    Pivo Nightstriker stood in the middle of the Computer room. Around him were the bodies or dozen of dead guards. The Cyborg Dark Jedi Master made short work of them. His right arm was now one of the many robotic things on him. After the Imperial destroied his body he was left with a robotic spine, eyes, right arm, part of his brain, and heart. This helped his out now. His right arms could shift to a lazer, ion, and flame shooter. It also held his Light Saber. He connected the computer sensers to his socket in his neck. After a few short minutes he crashed the system now it was Chaos turn.....

    Chaos Alexander Dawnstrider was one of the few Shadow Jedi Masters. He held his own moral code. He followed no Sith or Jedi code. He looked at the advancing Tanks and smiled. Unlike his father Chaos could call on the Light and Darkside. He was also very strong in TK. He gathered the energy from all around him and launched a Force Waves that destroied two tanks. He had to hold the tanks off so the others could free the prisoners. Choas ignited his LS and charged at the advancing soilders. He ripped them in two with his LS. He faught with all his power. For 15 years his father and Pivo had trained him. He could take out armies of these things. And so few they used on him. No tanks hardly. Then he saw them. Hunters. Trained soilders used to hunt Jedi.....Vong. They could not sence them with the Force. Choas ran and climbed to the top of the nearest building. He had to warn the others. It was a trap. A set-up. He had to tell them. He felt it from behind at the last moment. A staff shot from the shadows and inpaled him in the chest. Another Vong he had not seen. The Vong picked Chaos up and tossed him off the roof. Chaos feel and landed on a spicked fence. Chaos left this world......

    Pivo saw Chaos die on the camaras in the Computer. He yelled as Vong stormed into the room. His arms open up to form a beam cannon. He fired killing off a few then his arm returned to normal and it shot out his LS. As he went to grab it a human soilder shot it with a ion cannon. Pivo fell back in horror. The Gaurd open fire. Ion cannons don't hurt normal people. But Pivo was a cyborg. The energy fried his robot circuts and traveled to his heart. His heart stoped beating. Pivo fell to the floor dead.

    Verse passed the bombs on the side of the building as the defence system shut down. Pivo did his jobs as always. The same easy jobs. Verse backed up as the bombs went off. They took out the wall to the holding area. As the dust clears Verse planed to see old friends come out. All his saw was death though. Vong came with human soilders. Verse ran. As he started to run a Vong Amphistaff bite his leg. The poison flowed through him crippling him. Verse fell. A soilder came to Verse's nonmoving body...::

    Soilder- Verse Dawnstrider. You have been found guilty of crimes against the Imperial Rule. Justice has found you. May the maker have mercy on your soul....

    ::Verse smiles as the soilder passed the blaster to his forehead. He knew Jedi and Sith were still out there fighting like he was doing. He knew the healer Randd was till out there helping the Jedi. The Jedi will live on for now. He did all he could and was not afraid to die. The Imperial pulled the trigger.

    The screens in the Bounty Office showed all of the People who still were alive and had a reward on them. Many hunters came here to see who was still alive and could be caught. The three Garou Knights pictures left the holoscreen never to be seen again. All across the new Imperial Space acts of this Twisted Justice take place. The Battle for Freedom has begun again.::

  2. #2
    Phantom Kincaid

    ooc: I'd like to get into this, can you AIM me at SparkoStarscream thx.

  3. #3
    Lord Dagger

    OOC/ Yeah wouldn't mind joining this myself, just tell me where you want me \IC

  4. #4
    verse dawnstrider

    OOC: E-mail me at and I will get to you on it. Pass the word around about this RP to your friends a s well. We will need more people.

  5. #5
    Satine Capashen

    {OOC:I'm willing to join!}

  6. #6
    Katarina Kariena

    OOC: I'll join . . . private message me and let me know where I should be.

  7. #7
    Liam Jinn

    OOC: Tell me where you want me or are we supposed to do like New Dawn and make up our own stuff?

  8. #8
    Anubis Lockheart

    OOC: I am also interested.That's if there is any room for myself.

  9. #9

    OOC: sounds good to me...although Videl would be almost 40 by that

  10. #10
    Lady Knyte

    Re: Twisted Justice -20 years in the Future-(Open

    (OoC: Ditto ... you can email me at or AIM at Knyte Jinaya. =)

  11. #11
    Dragon dlayer

    Re: Twisted Justice -20 years in the Future-(Open

    ooc: I want to join, even tho i'll be 40 lol

    IM me at my Ic name or email:

  12. #12
    Liam Jinn

    Re: Twisted Justice -20 years in the Future-(Open

    if this is like New Dawn we just cluttered the first page full of nonsense....<img src= ALT="">

  13. #13
    verse dawnstrider

    Just join in as you see fit. I don't like RPs that are fully planed out. Keeps you on your toes if they are not planned fully.

  14. #14
    Darth Phantom

    ooc: you should do another post

  15. #15
    Lord Dagger

    OOC/ over 40? *chuckle* Dagger will be over 600 at that point, but don't think that makes him easy and yeah, we need another post \IC

  16. #16
    Satine Capashen

    {OOC:I agree about the new post thing...And I'm lucky...I'm only gonna be 23 at the time this RPG starts... }

  17. #17
    Darth Phantom

    :: Phantom sits waiting in the shadows, he had followed Verse for sometime now. He too had a job to do, he watched as Pivo died, but he did nothing, he wanted Verse. So now Phantom sits waiting for the perfect moment. Phantom looks to his side and nods to his partner and friend who has just joined him in the shadows. Finally after all this time Phantom saw his chance...

    When the Verse was cought. The guard passes his blaster to Verse forhead, Phantom reaches in his cloak and pulls out a long black knife, Phantom gets ready to throw it when they are spoted the vong start to fire at Phantom and his partner, Phantom ducks behind some equipment, he peeks through a small hole just to see the guard shoot Verse in the head ::

    NNNNnnnnooooooo, damn it

    :: Phantom looks at his partner and nods again, Phantom jumps done to where Verse's body is, three guards start to fire at Phantom, DP grabs his body and throws him onto his shoulder...

  18. #18
    Liam Jinn

    Liam ignites his saber and flips out from behind the crate he was behind. He deflects the shots away from Phantom and takes out the gaurds. Liam looks around and is kicked in the back by a Vong, knocking him to the ground. Liam rolls to the left avoiding a foot from the Vong. He jumps up and flips over the Vong, landing, and slicing the Vong in half.

    "Phantom!! We Gotta go!! Head for the ship!!"

    Phantom acknowledges Liam and starts running. Liam takes out a couple of thermal detonators and throws them towards the gaurds and Vong that were outside. He runs as soon as he throws them and when the confirming "BOOM" is heard he slows down trailing a bit from Phantom. Liam walks to the ship making sure that no one is following him.

  19. #19
    Darth Phantom

    :: Phantom runs to the ship, he opens the rear hatch with a button on hit belt, he places Verse's inside and looks at Liam, he puts his hand on his shoulder ::

    Thank you old friend, Kinda brings back some old memorys dosent it?

    :: Phantom slightly laughs as he remembers the first time He and Liam joined sides, but the memory quickly fades as shots are fired from behind them ::

    Alright, I'll take Verse's bady back to Tatooine, and I'll meet you at the redesvous point, good bye old friend

    :: Phantom shakes Liams hand one last time. Phantom runs back into the ship and takes off to Tatooine...

  20. #20
    Lady DeVille

    ooc: Through the Force, things you will see. The future...always in motion... hope you don't mind me jumping in /ic:

    Coughing, De'Ville slid a drink down the bar, wiping down the counter as she did so. The years of hiding from the Imperials had not been easy, but she had found it easiest to hide in plain sight.

    Her upperclass bar in the Imperial Center on Coruscant had been started from saved money from her time at The Sith Order. The Captain's Favor had among its clients the best and brightest of the Imperial officers, but none had been clever enough to doubt her. Lily Vide, as she was known now, was forty-three years old and the mother of a thirteen year old girl. Thirteen going on twenty-seven...

    Lily stepped out from behind the bar, handing her towel to the regular bartender, a strapping twenty year old human male. He smiled at her, and quickly fell back into the rhythmn of making drinks.

    Suddenly the mood of the cigarra smoke filled room altered. Men stood up, pushing their chairs back as they pointed at the vid screens. Looking up, Lily sighed. Bounties had been put on all of the known Jedi or Sith survivors, and it looked like three had been cashed in.

    Verse, Chaos, and Pivo, all deceased. Phantom and Liam Jinn had been spotted in the area as well, but were still at large. Anger filled her, and she quickly stalked into her back office. Lily slammed her hands on her desk, scattering papers, and overturning a potted plant. Dirt dusted the floor, and she hastily got down on her hands and knees to clean it up-

    -and then stopped herself. What am you doing? A rebellion is starting, and you're picking up dirt from a plant? A tear squeezed out of the outer corner of her eye, trickling down one of the fine lines that creased her face. Absently she picked up the now empty pot, and discovered a card that was stuck to the bottom. Flipping it open, she read silently.

    Darling, these stargazer lilies remind me of your eyes. As long as we are together they will bloom to remind you of me. Love -

    She snapped the tiny card shut, and ripped it up before reading the undersigned name. The pieces floated down to rest on the soil as she got to her feet. A smile crossed her lips before she quashed the emotions. He was far away, how far she didn't know, but it had been a very long time. When the controversy and the killings of Force sensitives had started he had been reassigned into deep space. Abandoning me, I could have come to understand, but abandoning his unborn daughter... Lily brushed the remaining dirt off her hands, and left the mess on the floor.

    Walking to the door, she re-entered the bar, only to find that the majority of the patrons had left. She went through the motions of closing the bar and telling her employees good bye, but they were just motions. Inside she could barely contain herself.

    Anger filled her. It was time to act.

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