Standing near his stationary freighter, the Dauntless, on the planet of Talasea, a thick and damp fog shrouding the view of a nearby city. Only a few lights and pinpoints of light clearly discernable in the distance.

Ogre stood awaiting the arrival of his apprentices. Some he had with previously, and some he had yet to even begin training, the time for them to all come together was at hand. He would pass on his knowledge and put them all up to a test to prove they had what was required to be followers of the darkness.

His senses alert and extended, Ogre calmly stood, knowing the message would reach them, and they would arrive, so that they could begin.

OOC: closed, at least until, Ogre's apprentices arrive and I get this underway. Thanks. =)

[c]<IMG src= width=600 height=265 usemap=#sig1 border=0><MAP name=sig1 alt="Big Green"><area shape=rect coords=238,54,372,82 href= alt="Go to the Sith Empire"><AREA shape=rect coords=395,9,583,229 href= alt="Big Green"></MAP><FONT size=1>[<a href= style=text-decoration=none> <font size=1>Ogre's Cave</FONT> ] [ <font size=1>Irentios</font> ]</FONT>[/c]