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Thread: Protocols and Machinary (simi open RP)

  1. #1
    Avolon Bisel

    Protocols and Machinary (simi open RP)

    Somewhere on Corellia

    "Protocol Droid, sir." The 'droid said with pride in his vocal processors.

    Avolon sighed and replied "And what was your name again?"

    "Kalvin 1901, Cyborg Relations." The 'droid straightened up even more as he placed a hand to his mechanical forehead, saluting.

    Avolon shook his head, almost lauging as he replied, "Now is that your name? Or will you change it twenty times?"

    "No sir, Kalvin 1901 at your service."

    "Good, I've had bad experiences with 'droid names."

    As Avolon spoke a small mechanical arm poked him, the one of his Astromech Max.


    "Sir, are you in need of medical assistance? Oh dear, I shall find a Two-Onebee at once!"

    Avolon could not believe tbe absolute way most 'droids handled themselves. They took things a little too seriously. He longed for the day when he could meet a laid back 'droid that knew how to tell jokes.

    "Never mind Kalvin, I'm all right." Avolon said after the amusment had worn thin.

    "As you wish, sir."

    The droid's gigantic photoreceptors looked at the walls, his metal skin crawling.

    "Sir, will you be purchasing me?"

    Avolon could have sworn he heard a hint of fear in the 'droid's voice. He couldn't blame him. It was after all a 'droid manufacturing plant. The automaton that did not get put to use were boiled down and recycled to build new, better versions.

    "Not sure yet Kalvy. How many languages do you speak?"

    "Four Million, Two Hundred and Twenty Thousand, Three Hundred and Two, sir."

    Avolon shrugged. "Is that good?"

    "Yes sir!" there was that pride again.


    The 'droid at Avolon's side beeped his thoughts. He stated the pros and cons as he saw them.

    "Well, Maxy here likes you."

    "Thank you, Maxy" The protocol 'droid said graciously to the Astromech.

    The 'droid whistled his real name, a crude referance to Avolon's choice of words was in there some where.

    "Oh, forgiveness please! Max, sir."

    Avolon looked at the two 'droids as he scratched his head.

    "You two having fun? If your done we can get going."


    Avolon leaned over the counter. The female buisnesswoman was dressed accordingly for an exec.

    "Okay baby doll, I'll take this."

    She didn't acknowledge his choice of calling her out of her name, but her face spoke volumes. Avolon withdrew.

    "Um... So anyway, I'll take this green one." He said after a short pause.

    The 'droid known as Kalvin stepped forward slightly to make himself known in case the woman was color blind.

    "So, maybe we can work out something.... A special kind of payment."

    "Imperial credits only." She said while pointing to the sign with the corresponding words.


    "Oh yeah, sure. Imperial? Sure!"

    Avolon dug in his pocket.

    "I'll have it in a milli minute."

    That slip of the word was code. Instead of "milli second" he said "milliminute". This was code for Max to hightail it out of there.

    The Astromech scooted towards the door slowly, he pushed the bewildered Kalvin along also.

    "Oh here it is!"

    He pulled out a blaster.

    "How did yo--" The woman started.

    "How did I get the blaster past the security?" Avolon caught her off.

    Her face was that of astonishment. A little smile came to Avolon. He never liked snooty Imperial execs.

    "Your security 'droids didn't check the Astromech good enough."

    Max and Kalvin had made it to the door. The Astromech beeped a order to the taller 'droid to help with the door. The 'droid complied.

    "Seems your guards didn't suspect another compartment made just for blaster carriage. I took it out after I pasted back through. You really need to update those artifacts."

    Avolon chuckled as he backed up to the now open door. His blaster still stay remained trained on the exec, her hands up out of reflex.

    "Ta-ta toots." He said with a smirk.

    He was gone. The woman sounded the silent alarm immediately.



    Avolon jumped in the cockpit pilot chair. He leaned over to look down towards the back. In the back the protocol 'droid was strapping in on the take-off couch.

    "Everything righty tighty back there Max?" He shouted.

    The 'droid beeped a positive.

    "Best news I've had all day. Liftoff in five, fo-- ah screw it, blastoff!"

    The Trigger rose up with it's patented shake and tremble. The Astromech rolled towards the back of the ship involuntarily as he punched the accelerator.


    He loved flying, even if it was for his life. The 'droid beeped and shrilled an obscenity at his predicament. The green 'droid stayed silent.

    "I hope there's no pickets!"

    There was. Crap. As he busted into space there it was as plain as day. A picket ship was a large warship armed to the teeth and shielded to boot. They came in all shapes and sizes, some were original like this one and had no base ship name he recognised.

    "Hold on buddies!"

    The 'droid hooted and hollered as he rolled back to the cockpit, again not by design. Avolon lowered the nose as he dove and dived as the picket gave pursuit. It was a wonder how these Imperials would kill anything that violated the smallest law. Okay, so robbery was not small.

    "Come on big ugly!"

    He went in a dive, then a loop, he then rolled starboard, all through instincts. Laser fire lit up the sky as the picket ship gave armed pursuit. The poor little trash can couldn't stop his rolling.


    The tractor beam rocked the ship momentarily. But as it locked onto the backend the momentum, albeit small now, got the ship just out of tractor range.

    "Shorty can't catch the Trigger! Get bigger arms you sucker!!!!" He was obviously enjoying this.

    He sped off. But with no NavCom he couldn't safely make a jump to Hyperspace.

    "Shoud I risk it?"

    Max gave a affirmative as he chirped a coordinate.

    "Okay Maxy, our tails rest on your dome."

    He punched it. He had a Hyperdrive but no NavCom. So without the NavCom's he couldn't come up with exact coordinates. He could easily fly into a black hole, sun, or some kind of space danger. Avolon loved to tempt fate. His little Astromech was, he figured, as smart as any computer, if not more. It had been programmed for military use only. A top secret, highly classified mission. Bisel stole it before they knew what hit 'em while they were shipping it to another ship. The starlines sped past them as per norm.


    He stopped the Hyperdrive just when Max instructed him to. In front of him appeared Corfai. He was free of Corellia. If only he could get free from the Corellian System.

    "I could kiss you, you little trash can!"

    He decided to. He bent over and layed a wet on on the durasteel dome that was the 'droid's head. The 'droid laughed. Avolon looked back at the viewscreen.

    "Oh man, this is a great day." He said with a sigh.

    Avolon thought for a minute.

    "Do you think I could steal a NavCom too?"

    The 'droid replied with a firm "no".

    "Maybe not. Should I maybe shell out for one? Yeah. I better."

    Avolon scratched his head.

    "I might have enough from my last paycheck at Yoghurt's. I am due back there tomorrow, so I need a lift or a NavCom if I want to make it back this year."

    The Astromech replied with a good response.

    "You think you could? Hmmm...."

    Avolon layed his hand on the Hyperdrive.

    "Corusant here we come!"

    He punched it.

    OOC - Okay, you may be in this story if you so wish it, but first check with this guideline. If you have a reason for being on Corusant, after I post my next post, then go ahead and reply. If you are an Imperial, feel free to post something where you're looking for me, or you play some other role, something you'd be doing on Corusant. But if you are not an Imperial please do not post something to the effect of "watches from a distance", if you feel liek posting atleast interact with me. And if you're a Jedi or Sith, or whatever, make sure you have a good reason for being on the planet.

  2. #2
    Avolon Bisel


    Avolon screamed over the headset.

    "I need landing clearace now!"

    "I'm sorry sir, you must wait your turn. There are many numbers of Starships battling for this landing pad as it is." The landing pad operator responded.

    "Well you tell those other ships to hold off or they'll be eating my Space Dust." He said as he flipped off the comm.

    Max had brought them too close to the planet. When they exited HyperSpace they were going to fast to stop from being captured in the gravitational pull. To add to injury their Ion engine fizzled out from the stress.

    "Please move your trays to the upright postition, buckle up, and smoke 'em if you got them boys, it might be your last chance." He said as he struggled with the controls.

    "Sir, my internal processors cannot take smoke or nicotine." Kalvin replied. The first time he spoke since they left the factory.

    "' I don't smoke' would have been good enough, Kalvin. But thanks for sharing." Avolon said with a smirk.

    The Astromech said something.

    "Don't I know it Maxy."

    Avolon turned back around to Kalvin.

    "How much can you carry?"

    "I am programmed to lift exa--" The droid started.

    "Good enough." Avolon cut him off. "Start chucking the chairs, food storage, and emergency packs."

    "Yes, sir." The Green one replied. There was that pride again.

    The 'droid moved at a startling rate. He had the job done in minutes. He walked to the cockpit.

    "I am finished sir." The 'droid said with his pride never faltering.

    "Wha-what? Dang, you move fast kiddo. Remind me to sell you to Kessel after you get too old." Avolon said with a wink.

    The 'droid took him seriously. Instead of correcting the 'droid Avolon enjoyed the 'droid's literalness.

    "Stay gripped!" Avolon said as the clouds cleared, showing the planet's emmense structures. He could barely make out the landing pad but that would change in time. The ship with no sign of slowing. It was a feeling of not being sure if you were speeding past the horizon of it if was passing you, for no action needed to be taken to move the ship, it moved through means of natural forces. "Gonna be a bumpy ride. Max, give me some good news."

    The tiny 'droid had tied himself down to the co-pilot's chair after much effort and assistance from Kalvin 1901. He was plugged into the ship's computer, running a diagnostic. He beeped a response. No shields, no weapons, no Hyperdrive, one engine, no NavCom per norm, and worse fo all, no landing gear.

    "Been nice knowing you buddy. For a 'droid you're not a bad guy."

    The Astromech replied with a similar response. Avolon hated 'droids but he had been forced to get an Astromech to compensate for the lack of a good computer. The Astromech hated humans as much as Avolon hated machines that didn't have wings, but they had grown together.

    "Kalvin... well I don't like you." Avolon said nonchalantly.

    "Understood, sir." Kalvin said with no emotions attached. He could care less.

    Avolon, instead of pulling up, pushed the his handheld control down. He had the stick installed so that in a crunch he could pilot the ship with one hand. It had terrible responses but things couldn't get worse now and Avolon had found out his control systems were down. The pilot stick was the only thing operating it seemed. It poped up from a oval hatch installed in the console.

    "Sir, I have learned through my many years of employment that this is called a nosedive." the green one chimed in.

    "Your point?" Avolon replied harshly.

    "One's logical course of action while facing collision on a planatary mass' surface is to pull "up", sir."

    "Nah. That'd be too easy." Avolon said, knowing the real reason for the nose dive.

    "I did not anticipate you wishing to make this difficult, sir." the 'droid said, still clueless.

    Avolon, of course, had a more logical reason for the insane manuever. He spotted, by eyesight alone, two ships heading for the pad he was aimed for. If they made it first he'd land on top of them insuring his death. And the stress of fighting gravity could put the hull in danger of breaching. By not fighting gravity the natural element would not be as harsh.

    "Remind me to program you with 'shut up' sub ruitines, Kalvin."

    "Aye, sir." The protocol 'droid said in acknowledgement.

    The Trigger approached a small freighter that had docking permitance, unlike Avolon's ship. Avolon, acting as if time was no object, spoke casually to Max.

    "Are you picking up the idea code they're using Max?"

    The 'droid said yes.

    "Make it our own."

    The 'droid replied that he had done it. The 'droid had anticipated Avolon's request.

    "Weapons back on line?"

    The Astromech said something.


    Another stick poped up to Avolon's left. It was the handheld weapons system. Avolon loved the "on a whim" technology he had installed. They helped him when he didn't have time to think. He could pilot by only his hands and eyes. A small red circle was now onscreen. It became placed over the other ship's Comm Dish.

    "Sorry pal." He fired.

    The dish was destroyed on impact by the laser. The idea signal the other had possessed now no longer existed. Avolon had his docking pass and no way for someone to prove it did not belong to him.

    As Avolon sped towards the ship, it veered off, afraid the ship was out to kill it. Maybe they thought Avolon missed there engine. Avolon knew what he was doing, he never missed. As the Trigger sped past another ship came into the sights. This ship was intending to land on a pad next to Avolon's. However the course of the other ship, a small tourist frieghter from an accompanying liner still in orbit, crossed Avolon's.

    Try as he might Avolon could not steer the ship fast enough. The side of the two ships skided against eachother. The frieghter had lowered shields for docking, normal procedure, otherwise the damage would be lethal. A good third of the outer hull scraped away. Avolon did a damage report..... ten fingers and toes.

    "Wah-hooo!!!!!!" Avolon hooped and hollered in victory.

    The only proplem now was landing this peice of junk. "Now we have to land this peice of junk" Avolon said as he thought.

    The landing pad filled the viewscreen.

    "This stuff is fun! Don't you think Kalvin?"

    "No, sir." The 'droid replied, the first straight foward thing he had said since the two met.

    "'Droids"Avolon said as he scoffed.

    The ship hit the docking pad just as Avolon pulled up for the first time. The pulling up motion cause the bottom to hit the pad, bounce, and continue to skid. The Comm Tower of the Space Port filled the viewport, as did the Space Tower's viewport fill with the Trigger. The ship stopped only a meter from the Space Tower's transparasteel window.

    Avolon unbuckled his straps and jumped out of the pilot chair. He was glad to be able to stretch his legs. Heck, he was glad to have legs. He winked at a woman operator in the tower. She was staring at the ship in shock and relief. Avolon was never one to pass up the chance to give a girl a second look.

    "Max, you got that idea being transmitted?"

    The Astromech replied saying that he did and that the Tower had accepted it.

    Avolon could write the bad landing to system malfunction, that much was true. He would be off planet before they figured out what had happened.

    "Max, open the cargo hatch."

    Max, started to do it.

    "I'm stepping out."


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