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Thread: {open}

  1. #1
    Shadow LeFae


    :: Fae walks in and takes a seat at the new resteraunt in Coursencant. ::

  2. #2
    Skroth da Ripper

    *Skroth, Anubis, and Dyne enter a little while later. They sit up at the bar counter and order their usual bottles of JD. Almost at the exact same time they spot the Jedi Fairy, and bust out laughing*

    "What the hell is that thing?"

  3. #3
    Anubis Lockheart

    Anubis finishes laughing and then squints his eyes, looking towards it.

    "I'm not sure man. Do they have a lost and found here?"

  4. #4
    Jubei SaDherat Vader

    (Jubei watches the raucous group making fun of the girl. He slowly shakes his head.)

    Jubei: Such unkind words.

  5. #5
    Dyne Darkforce

    Dyne lays his glass of JD down and arches his eyebrow at the Jedi. He looks on from the table and smirks while patting his two comrades on the back. Giving off a chuckle he remains calm and simply looks on before speaking.

    "Come on guys, dont pick on the smaller Jedi."

  6. #6
    Anubis Lockheart

    Anubis laid back onto the counter, his smug grin was replaced with his normal frown.

    "We're only jokin man, we have no beef with her. Skroth, order her a drink. Maybe we can learn something."

  7. #7
    Skroth da Ripper

    *Skroth smirks at the 2 sith, then turns to LeFae*

    "Ya we're just messin' around. Barkeep, Give the jedi princess over there the drink of her choice. Oh what the hell, give that Jedi in the white robes over there what he wants too. I'm in a good mood today."

    Edit: Spelling Error

  8. #8
    Dyne Darkforce

    Dyne finishes the JD and looks at Anubis then Skroth. Laying the glass down on the table he laughs a bit more.

    "Giving mood guys?"

    He looks at the two Jedi then orders another round of drinks for the three Sith.

  9. #9
    Anubis Lockheart

    "Well maybe Skroth is but I'm not. I'd just rather avoid conflict today."

    He grabs his JD and takes a sip of it.

    "But if the oppurtunity arises..." He grins under his mask.

  10. #10
    Skroth da Ripper

    "I personally dont want them coming up to me, so I thought some drinks might busy them for a little while. A happy jedi is a quiet jedi you know."

    *Skroth takes another drink*

    "But I am still with Anubis. If the oppertunity arises, and I hope it does."

    *Skroth drops his empty bottle, and orders another*

  11. #11
    Dyne Darkforce

    Dyne nods to them and takes a drink again before looking at the two comrades yet again. He trails his finger along the side of the glass before speaking to them.

    "Lets see what happens, maybe you will get your wish."

    He grins showing his evil side somewhat at the sametime. Dyne lifts the glass up again and looks at it before taking a sip. Placing the glass down, he patiently awaits the Jedi's reaction to the three men.

  12. #12
    Shadow LeFae

    :: Fae Gets up from her seat...

    and strolls over to Jubei, walking in small, dignified steps, so as to smite the sith. ::
    *such arrogance, tsk tsk...*

  13. #13
    Shadow LeFae

    Hi Jubei!

    I haven't seen you in along time...
    :: the Barkeep comes over to give her the drink the sith decided to buy for her, and Fae shoos him away saying ::
    "I do not take Charity from Creatures of Evil."
    :: In a loud tone of voice, so that the Sith may hear. ::
    "Especially those who smite Women, For it is us who give them Birth."

  14. #14
    Jubei SaDherat Vader

    Re: Hi Jubei!

    (Jubei places a calm hand on Le Fae's shoulder)

    Jubei: Even these trespasses, we must forgive against us. The desires in these men's hearts were not always there. Inside, we are all the same. The day we refer to the universal "Us and Them", is the day all hope to understanding is lost.

    (Jubei smiled)

    Jubei: Perhaps we should accept their good graces. Unless you are not thirsty, of course.

    (Jubei turned to the men)

    Jubei: It would be my pleasure to have a drink in your company.

  15. #15

    Re: Hi Jubei!

    Gaven watched from the Shadows, waiting for the Sith to strike out at Fae

  16. #16
    Dyne Darkforce

    Re: Hi Jubei!

    Dyne leans back and smirks at Gaven before glancing back at the other two Jedi. He takes a small drink then nods to his two comrades. They sit in their seats and await on what happens. Dyne's sabres were close by as usual, just incase the need arised.

  17. #17

    Re: Hi Jubei!

    The moment Dyne Looked at Gaven, an Obsene gesture followed

  18. #18

    *Sitting at a nearby table, Lord Firebird quietly watches the events unfold surrounding Shadow's entrance. He watches, and waits.*

  19. #19
    Dyne Darkforce

    Dyne looks at Gaven then moves the seat out from under him, via the Force. The seat slides to the side, letting Gaven fall to the ground. As he tries to get up again, Dyne approaches him from his own seat. Exposing the sabres on his weapons belt, his expression turns to a stern one.

    "Gaven, if you value your well-being, I wouldnt do that again. You understand what I am saying, Jedi?"

  20. #20

    Nuriko sits with Firebird, drinking a mild local blend. She immediately laughs at the gesture by Gaven. "How very jedi-like of it." She then watches as Dyne pulls the chair from under him and smirks.

    [c]<table border=2 bordercolor=#ff00d0 cellpadding=2 bgcolor=#000000><tr><td><img SRC= alt="Property of Sith Master Rama Sha"></td></tr></table>[/c]

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